Monday, May 3, 2021


   Floating Free~

"I'm not sure I can do this,"
she softly said
"they've damaged my heart
and broken my head."

"I hardly sleep
as one normally would,
my mind races past
for a feeling that's good"

A sharp jagged pain hits
hard and too fast
this terrible treatment
can't possibly last

Are there actually those
who find joy in my grief
and refuse to give comfort
or any relief?

Only those blessed
with fortunes
easily spent
can buy themselves
victims or a judge
they can rent

The lies that they tell are
frequent and brash
they spread them around
like vermin with trash

My anger is seething, but then
I just cry
I can't understand why my
heart won't just die.

If I only knew that you're
thinking of me
I'd float from my house and
come set you free.


(c) HVM 2019

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