Thursday, May 21, 2020

The pressure got to me. I was being badgered into coming to the K in SR and I had already said many times I could not go because I had been too frightened by doctor Moon. The surgeon said she was going to send me a certified letter. I can only speculate that it would say that she could not take responsibility for my outcome, since I was not cooperating. I am merely going along with what she had said initially. She said to take the medication until July when I could have surgery. Suddenly now she wants me to come in now, which makes me suspicious. I am frightened of not having anyone I trust to protect me. At any rate, I called the surgery department and left a few four letter angry messages. I am sorry, but I am tired of being pushed around and worried for his safety as well as mine. I want everyone to be safe and happy, the rest will be up to those in charge and his desires.
I love him and that means his happiness is all that matters to me. I am tired of all the turmoil and attacks. Those people are evil and I want nothing to do with them.

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