Wednesday, May 27, 2020

My Gratitude~

Sounds of life go streaming by
while my reclusion makes me cry
Times with you were more than fun
You inspired me more than anyone

I dream of you and things you said
They're number one inside my head
Outer calm is what I show
as deep inside the fuses blow

Mocking wild waves entice me near
I never venture far from here
I wait for law to make some sense
I've given all the evidence

I've waited long to be your friend
But who can tell how things will end?
You've always been the one I trust
The others want me ground to dust

I wish you strength in daunting times
and sweet caresses with deeply loving
You touch me in a myriad of caring ways
I look up to the heavens and will forever
sing your praise.

(c) HVM 2020

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