Wednesday, November 27, 2019


Mr. Tyson allowed their law firm of Buty & Curliano, with Mike C. Guasco as lead attorney, to attack certain patients with false restraining orders so they could "neutralize" them and put them in a bad light, BEFORE that patient could bring up a legal complaint against Kaiser, or perhaps if the patient was deemed to be putting a financial drain on Kaiser with their chronic illness. They would smear them and threaten them with jail. They make their employees put their names on the restraining orders and use actors in court to cry and make accusations against innocent patients who could not hire an attorney! TRO/RESTRAINING ORDERS are DIFFICULT TO FIGHT, ESPECIALLY W/O an attorney!
KAISER/their law firm, TREATS EMPLOYEES, INCLUDING DOCTORS, LIKE THEIR PROPERTY! They FORGED my doctor's signature and LIED in court docs and even used FALSE EVIDENCE! MR. GUASCO (Arrested twice and was married to a woman with many, many, many arrests for controlled substances) LIED IN COURT, HAD MY DOCTOR'S SIGNATURE FORGED, SAID MY DOCTOR WAS PRESENT IN COURT IN COURT FILED PAPERS, WHEN HE WAS NOT THERE (My adult son is a witness) and OUTSIDE COURT, MR. GUASCO SCREAMED IN MY FACE AND THREATENED ME! HE SAID HE COULD KEEP ME RESTRAINED FOREVER! I also believe that the Judge's signature was forged and by the same person who was deemed the one who forged my doctor's signature! It was looked over by an expert handwriting analyst: THEY DETERMINED IT TO BE KAISER PSYCHIATRIST, MARIJA M. PETROVIC from Serbia! She TERRORIZED ME with her devised plots and by making cruel and humiliating phone calls to me. She packed my chart with 5 false major mental illnesses, then harassed me with the cruel phone calls! I believe she wanted me to KILL myself and nearly succeeded. My doctor was my HERO! He must have sensed something bad was going on and he had many people call me and distract me.
I suppose it is all done to help Kaiser save the IMPORTANT bottom line: MONEY and reputation and to please someone (another Kaiser employee) I supposedly annoyed because of my doctor's kindness toward me!! I wrote MANY emails, tweets, etc to Mr. Tyson and he did NOTHING TO STOP IT FROM CONTINUING! Neither did exec VP MARK ZEMELMAN and I spoke twice with him on the phone!! They allowed me to be tortured and traumatized for 4 years! I DID NOTHING WRONG, YET I WAS SMEARED AND FALSELY ACCUSED!
THERE IS ANOTHER INNOCENT KAISER PATIENT SUFFERING NOW TOO! He has been going through Hell and has a son with a traumatic brain injury to care for 24-7, yet GUASCO threatens the poor man, the ONLY caretaker for his son, to be threatened with JAIL! The man's story is heartbreaking, yet GUASACO tells him how glad he is to hurt him!! How Guasco and law firm, BUTY & CURLIANO allow such horrible things to go on is DISGUSTING! I KEPT THEM APPRISED! What did they do? THEY MADE MR. GUASCO PARTNER!
THEY all DID THINGS TO TRY and MAKE ME FEEL LIKE DYING! None of my complaints to KAISER were EVER given ANY consideration! They got judges on their side and especially Judge Novak at San Mateo Superior Court! She harassed me, she mocked me, she had the courtroom cleared and she said terrible untrue things about me! Mr. Guasco of Kaiser hired law firm of Buty & Curliano, manufactured a TRO against me (which is his usual M.O. against innocent patients) and smeared my name and made it so no attorney would take my case. I had no real resources to fight my battle anyway. I was accused of giving my doctor unwanted gifts! REALLY! Then they added in some fake salacious accusation to make it seem dire, I guess. Another thing was, that I had not seen that doctor for 97 days prior to the TRO! BUT as soon as my doctor came to observe my gallbladder removal surgery at my request, a week later, MR. GUASCO had me served with a TRO! The TRO was in my doctor's name, but I believe he actually did it for another Kaiser employee who did not like my doctor's kindness toward me and wanted me out of the way, or as Kaiser security guard, Edward Souza (now in Kaiser SSF Janitorial as a supervisor, most likely as reward for all his cruel acts against me) said to me, "Marija Petrovic was hired back to Kaiser, SPECIFICALLY TO GET RID OF YOU!" I have a witness. Marija M. Petrovic VICIOUSLY BRUTALIZED ME AND ATTACKED ME! MR. TYSON, KAISER CEO, DID NOTHING TO HELP ME! THEIR LAW FIRM HAS TOO MUCH POWER/CONTROL! THEY ARE RUINING KAISER!
I am a senior widow, and former cancer patient and have some serious issues with my MS and MR GUASCO KNEW IT, so it is most likely why he had everyone connected with Kaiser and the case, YELL at me, so I would die of the MS brain lesion, or make my cancer come back! (I have a suspicious mass in my breast now) An attorney, Charles Smith IV (Redwood City, CA), pretended to be my attorney with the Private Defender Program and he screamed at me and kept me quiet and did NOTHING to help me! In fact, he served me up to Judge Novak on a platter and asked to have the courtroom cleared, so she could ream me out so badly that I know I passed out for a moment! In court, Judge Lisa Novak heckled me and called me "STALKER" as I walked past her to the witness stand. Then, she interrupted me and had everything I said stricken from the record! She gave me 5 days in JAIL, even though my doctor , whose name was USED (no doubt under lies and threats) on the restraining order, refuted the entire restraining order on the witness stand! Judge Novak ignored him!! They never brought him back to court!
Kaiser is obviously spending a ton of money on my case and has hurt me like mad, all because my doctor was kind to me! His life has been made inconvenienced, to say the least and had to go through the humiliation of giving a restraining order to his own patient, for his being kind to her! Guasco was wrong to take a case of this nature, but worse for trying to harm me, and for lying to the court! He is supposed to be an officer of the court yet he spits on it and shows complete disdain to their rules and protocol! Because I have seen what he has done with all the lies, forgeries and false evidence, I feel no regret in calling Mike C Guasco and his law firm of Buty & Curliano: CRIMINALS! I feel the same about Marija M. Petrovic! KAISER HAS BEEN A PLACE OF TORTURE THROUGH THEM BOTH! IT NEEDS TO STOP BEFORE PEOPLE DIE, OR STILL....
I DESERVE COMPENSATION. I frankly think my doctor does too, he has gone through a lot through this travesty!
Cheryl Petrovich

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