Monday, February 7, 2022


 I want you to know that you, long ago, planted the seeds of love with your kindness and your friendship and it never stopped growing; even when you tried to kill it and she tried to kill me. My actions and my decorum have proven that my emotions, although strong, leave you alone, so you can live how you want. I do not understand why my actions have not spoken louder than their devious plans of destruction. People with twisted minds think everyone else looks at the world in their maniacal way; some of us just love and genuinely care. THEY are the ones holding someone prisoner, not me! I ALSO do not terrify people! I love them by helping them and ask nothing in return. It shows who was directing the lies against me; obviously it was the people who are liars and terrorists! Is that me? NO! I want to spread happiness, so life is nice; not save up for a cranky day when I hate myself and take it out on you, the way she does. You know and understand love and you know it will never come from them; they can only show you ugliness and hate; then one day, your light of beauty and kindness, will be gone and we who love and appreciate you will want to die too.

You need to live a free and normal life! Please, do not live in terror forever!
I know what love is and I will show you. Just give yourself a chance! Bless yourself with real love; not captive terror! GET AWAY!
You can live in an absolute palace, but if hate rules it; it becomes a prison! I would rather have a shack and live in love.

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