Sunday, February 20, 2022


 I need to be assured that you will be on my side when I get things done and in action at the facility. I need to know that I won't end up hurting again. I was trying to help you more than myself; it was my plan to help both. That blew up in my face and it was as surprising as an Earthquake and just as devastating.

What I will do will make us look as if we are on the opposite ends of the spectrum, but actually looking to achieve the same goal, freedom. 

This UN thing was a distraction, but it was nothing more than a rock slide on hwy 1. It has now been cleared away and traffic is again running smoothly. I never seem to give people enough credit for being bastards; I seem be a perpetual Anne Frank with her belief in the basic goodness of people, until she dies. I had the extraordinary goodness of humankind shown to me by a man who appeared to be dying and who yet made me the beneficiary of his possible last actions on Earth by calling me an Uber to remove my discomfort and dilemma of how I would get to my place of comfort and retreat after being given what felt like a death sentence wrapped in a less innocuous package. 

My heart had been as deftly removed as if his brilliant surgeon's hand had been in an operating theater with the very intention of doing just that, but somehow I still lived. How could that be?

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