Sunday, February 13, 2022


 I know I am no one to you and you helped those horrible people to help hurt me. you make no attempt to escape, nor help me. You were special to me, but i am no one to you. you said terrible things about me in court and you had to know it might make me harm myself. That is not acceptable. If you want to be around them, you don't want to be around me.

Show the bravery you had when first entering your career and save your life with escape! You can do it! Stop bowing to coward criminals you are ABOVE THEM!


You were everything to me, but I will end up like your mother.

Stop hanging around low class criminals!

They are so beneath you it can't be calculated!

She is so jealous of you, she wants you dead!

You were Top Dog and she is trying to turn you into a junk yard, chained hound who is eager for her scraps and stinky cooch! She is why you have been lowered to looking at fat lady's legs and not your brilliant ability that had people in awe and underlings fearful of your opinion! She is in awe of you too and she wants to kill you because of it! She is a fucking terrorist! She wants you to feel that no one else would have you....SHE can harm you all she wants, but will never make you unattractive to anyone else! She is a sad, demented homunculus and he, the dim wit "attorney" will egg her on to kill you, then blackmail her into giving him your portion! I will expose them both anyway!

You allow those low lifes to hold YOU back? The one who is brilliant and gifted and strikes fear into the hearts of subordinates and adoration from all who behold you? OUTWIT THEM! 

I have faith in you! I LOVE you! I KNOW when someone is superior to me and admire it and want to nurture it; not want to destroy it from psychotic jealousy!

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