Tuesday, February 15, 2022


 Please, try and help me. I have cared about you for years and years and still hang in there, when abused and worried and lied to. How come you can hurt me, but not help me? You are too smart to allow jerks to best you.

What DID, or ARE they expecting to get out of me? I guess I was just a distraction so they could limit your freedom. Please help yourself, even if you can't help me. (But you could help me, I know that.)

I need a phone call.


  1. I love you to my soul; that will never change. I want to love you in every way.

  2. It sounds corny, but I have always felt like you were my soul mate.

  3. They keep trying to brake me and make me hate you.That is like trying to make the night hate the beauty of the stars and the moon.
    It is not possible.

  4. Could you be free for my birthday?

  5. Can you give her what she really wants, to let you be a grown, autonomous adult with freedoms you legally have? She needs to know that serious laws are being broken, which makes me worry that they will never want to be caught, so you will be the sacrifice for their greed.
