Wednesday, February 16, 2022


 It would be so lovely to talk with you, without this absurd crap hanging over our heads. But, I seriously think that if she is free, she will STILL be ABUSIVE! REVENGE, real, or imagined is her delight.

Let's keep each other safe......

1 comment:

  1. I would enjoy being in a beautiful, nature setting and just be there with you and enjoy being with you. I am not sure I would say much, but absorb your aura and ambiance. I am not going to ask you questions or anything, but show my pleasure and excitement at seeing you again. I want happiness and lovely times and then figure out what we want to do to get them for their treatment of us. I really think you/we need a restraining order against them and damages. Whatever you want to do, I always want to be your friend.
