Thursday, February 17, 2022


 It was so strange, yesterday I slept nearly all day!

It seems that it helps my vision get better. It seems to be nearly equal now, but my left eye still feels a bit weak. It was hurting as if it had a sore muscle, so actual sleep rest must be doing it some good.

Also, your support was so wonderful, I felt such happiness, that it radiated throughout my entire body; like a healing. We must never underestimate the power of happiness and rest. Keep that in mind for yourself too. They try and keep you stressed to harm you. Don't allow it. Stay as healthy and calm as you can; they are insidious. They are not nurturing, they destroy.

I am thinking of you with loving thoughts. I look forward to the time when I can see you again and we greet each other warmly and with the happiness of two friends who missed each other terribly and are happy that the rough times are over and will never allow anyone else to be in control of our destinies ever again.

You live in my heart with love.

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