Sunday, February 13, 2022


 I am feeling like the plan to hurt me is in full swing and I need to go into pure defensive mode. I am sad to say that perhaps you are deeply in their clutches and to get out you will have to take action. I feel they have disrespected you and used you to help them hurt me. Please resist them. They may have callously taken your mother's life. You can stop this terrible terrorist activity and refuse to help them and turn them in. Get away! Only death will take you away if you don't! Make B smile!


  1. You know I love you! Happy Valentine's Day, but it would be so much happier if you were here! Be well and very safe! You are my valentine!

  2. My entire comment disappeared! I will come back and redo it Have a good lunch and day!!

  3. I forgot about the comment that disappeared. Anyway, we need to make a move. Weird things are going on and we both need to be proactive.I have always been supportive of you and never stopped loving you. Never! I need to figure out this guy from the UN.There are drawbacks i need to figure out. i would love to have you next to me. i will never disrespect you. i will always be there for you. i need to understand your feelings. I need to know truthfully, because i support you and love you.


  4. i am in a quandary!I swear, if she had her way, she would have me executed and walk away and not look back! You really need to tell of her abuse to you and the rest of the false law against me.

  5. i love you more than you could ever know.

  6. I always look for the truth, no matter how much it could hurt.

  7. The guy "from the UN" just reamed me out as I said because I doubted him and he said I let him embarrass himself because I didn't seem to believe him about his love for me.What could I do? I cannot tell him I love him when I did not. So, he got angry at me and said such vile things to me. It scared me and made me feel so bad. He may be full of it, which may be most likely, but last night, he sounded so honestly hurt, it crushed me. I cannot say that I love a stranger, especially when I love someone else. I said that I wished I could love two people. I tried to make him feel better, but maybe not. I am not usually in this type of problem. I have been a recluse for so long, I feel very unsophisticated and surprised by this attention; I have been told it is because he is a scammer; especially after he needed money. Everything I have read says it is a scam, but he seemed so very hurt, my heart hurt for him. I wish I did not need to look for help; it is confusing my good senses.I feel bad that things are taking so long; I just wish another plan of bolting would take place. I need help and am trying to get them to do it, but am afraid I will just get back into rigged as before. I am going to get it done at some time. I hold hope that cooperation will be able to happen. It scares me, because I will fall apart if not.

  8. Can you get a throw away phone and call from it? Can you get someone from your work to buy it for you and keep it quiet?

  9. Jan Kerouac
    2:03 PM (1 minute ago)
    to Brown

    Strange how much the things she says in this article are identical to yours.
    Weird, huh?

    Profile photo for Christa Carter
    Christa Carter
    , Romance Scam Blogger and Researcher

    Let me echo what others are saying: no one needs to pay for leave. If it’s a person saying he works for the military or the UN and he’s asking for money, he isn’t real. I’m really sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but your “fiance” is a scammer trying to get money from you. He’s using stolen photos and a fake name. Did you meet this person on a dating site or on social media like Facebook or Instagram? Some things that might tip you off that he’s a scammer:

    He says he’s on a “peacekeeping mission” in Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, or Afghanistan (our troops don’t call it a peacekeeping mission) or tells you he’s special forces, United Nations, or intelligence.
    He tells you his wife passed away and he’s a single father. Sometimes he’ll say he’s divorced because his wife cheated on him. I’ll bet he says his parents are deceased, too.
    He says he has a child with relatives in the US or at a boarding school.
    He’s looking for someone to love and fell for you very quickly. (I bet he just happened to come across your profile when he was looking for an old friend or colleague, didn’t he?)
    He may disappear for days at a time and tell you that he doesn’t have internet access where he is (which is not true, BTW).
    Read the “About” section on my blog, Hello, am Catfish by name. Please send money. He will probably start asking you to send either money or iTunes cards, for things that are covered, like leave, travel home, or medical bills. This is the scam. Those expenses are covered by the UN or the military. No one has to pay for a leave or for a leave application.

    I’m sorry, but the person you are talking to doesn’t work for the UN. It is someone, likely from Nigeria or Ghana, using stolen photos to pretend to be a soldier. The best thing to do is block the scammer and try to move on.
