Sunday, December 20, 2020

Time apart


A Time Apart~

His magic is his easy charm
and loyalty to my alarms
He knows I always understand
when he's been there to lend a hand

His life is stuck to toeing lines
and staying calm in hard trying times
But I can tell he's been awfully abused
which leaves me feeling sadly confused

My heart is now at a raw tender stage 
and left
in sorrow, turning to rage
I loved him with entire decorum
It should have been held in a much 
different forum

My heart has been alone and sad
Those cruel attackers made me so mad
My life could well be drawing short
Too much time spent in a foul phoney court

I love him still as I did way back then
It's in his deft hands to be his dear friend
Whatever the fate that for me he decides
I know I'll shall see it alive in his eyes.

(c) HVM 2020

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