Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Old poem I wrote

 "On the Brink of Love's Despair"~

The love and passion that so sacredly envelops me

Is the aura of your inner beauty that resonates throughout

the further reaches of my heart and soul


You innervated me where previously I was numb, stagnant 

and mostly dead

Gently, with a trace of timidity, you held my hand and the 

euphoric energy that flowed from your being to mine 

took control and made me forever yours

Never has a day since been ordinary. The roses have a 

luminous quality and a fragrance that softly wafts on a 

welcomed breeze to perfume my silent, rapturous thoughts 

of you  

But you have been abolished. Stolen away from me.  

My warm and tender dreams of you are now a desperate 

plea to dysfunctional keepers of your freedom. They are made 

of marble; not the stone that evokes involuntary gasps of 

admiration, but instead, sighs of frustration at the piercing coldness 

of their ridged unyielding cruelty and adherence to laws that never 

saw the light of love or compassion. 

I listen under the dark midnight sky, while waves hurtle themselves 

to shore in a cacophony of auditory rage echoing my despair and 

contained feeling of restrained anger and passing thoughts of violence. 

I consider the option the watery depths could hold for me and I am 

frightened, but tantalized.     


(c) HVM 2018 

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