Tuesday, December 22, 2020


I am not certain how one is held a prisoner, if they go to work, home and walk freely at home. Is that the case? Is there a guard with a gun? Chains? Ropes? Electric shock collar?  I am trying to figure it out. If a person can just walk away.....then they should, just walk away. Drive away. Threats mean nothing, it is bluff. They are lies. No one can impede someone's progress. If a person can leave and they don't they are complicit and a part of the larger crime. How can I find freedom in that case, if someone just goes along? I figured before, it was just because it was within the actual building. If I try and make him innocent, they he will need to at least make an attempt at freedom, or calling the PD, or DA. I have been worried for years and base it on blind faith and trust. There will need to be an explanation as to how he was held. Why sometimes there was compliance, other times not. One is not to abide by the edict of criminals, even those who are employers, or their attorneys. They are doing criminal things. If someone does not attempt to get away, or at least help an innocent victim be free, they they themselves run the risk of incarceration themselves. Will they claim incompetence? If there isn't an attempt of some kind to garner freedom, then it is compliance. It breaks my heart, but what more can be done? He helped them put me into this position and while it does not matter to me; it leaves a big hole in the story. So, either call the DA and tell the truth and free me, or come to the hearing and help me. Run away, come here and we'll get them together and be protected. If no one is being harmed, just make them let up on me. The entire story makes no sense.  My love will never die and I want to be together and be caring and loving, if it is wanted, but it will all come to a legal head at some point soon and I want to understand. It is only fair. I never wanted anyone to be harmed, but they kept trying with me. I got a serious charge and it will bring everything to the forefront. How can one abide by what criminals say and not even try and help an innocent person? Nothing makes sense and it all hurts so much.       

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