Tuesday, December 22, 2020


 Not only was my life disrupted, but it was done with sadistic glee. I have been stunned, humiliated, made into a pariah, removed from a person I considered to be a friend and did not have any alternative for the condition from which I suffered. 

I have been turned into a second class citizen and have suffered the indignity of being looked at as a criminal, when I was not, nor ever had been. The person who wanted me removed from my doctor's presence is all at once narcissistic, but insecure. She and her attorney did whatever they could to make my life miserable and difficult to remedy. 

They abused someone they thought might be mentally vulnerable and who might take their own life out of sadness, or exasperation. The psychiatrist that was a former Kaiser employee they brought back to get me as her patient, so that she could interrogate me and discover my feelings toward my doctor, then place many false diagnoses in my chart that could explain any number of things to which they could point and dismiss as being a mental deficiency, even if I were to be found dead.

A place such as a hospital is a perfect setting to create problems for a victim. Add in threat and duress and an immoral, devious attorney who would do whatever was needed to make his client happy and very grateful $. A place that has in an excess of 28 billion in the "kitty" has deep enough pockets to make every case victorious and leaving human carnage in its wake. They chew me up and spit me out as insignificant and disgusting as a piece of gristle in an otherwise decent steak. 


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