Monday, December 21, 2020


 I had to put my dear sweet dog, Bear to sleep when he was so much in pain. It was the saddest thing I ever did. I watched his eyes close and felt so terrible leaving him at the vet's.

He was the most gentle and loving dog and he liked to ride the train heading to SF, if he managed to get out of the yard. People always brought him back. It was so funny. He was a red Chow Chow. I got him because he was neglected and chained to a tree in someone's yard. They said they did want him and I could just take him, but when they saw how much I liked him, they charged me $50.

It is how it goes with people, they don't care and are neglectful, until someone else appreciates them. (Or loves them) then they fight tooth and nail for them.  


  1. I love you so much that I will fight tooth and nail to free you and make certain no one can ever hurt you again! How can they get past the law? Has everyone lost their moral compass? You are treated worse than my dog was treated, until you were thought of as a commodity....then you were treated worse!! Do they not know you, or see how beautiful you are? Hurting you is like someone defacing the Mona Lisa, or kicking a loving zen master..... or telling Jesus to "fuck off!" It's just WRONG! You are a national treasure!

  2. I keep trying to think of a way for the police to HAVE to go to your house without it being a lie, so I don't get arrested.I have a hard time dealing with the police, because I do not understand if they are just completely corrupt, or what. I don't want to make anything worse either. I really wish you could fake a health scare and be taken away....but not to K. If you are like in chains, or other weird thing, someone needs to see it.
