Sunday, October 30, 2022


 Some days I feel so lonely and without purpose. One sweet appearance of light and caring can brighten up my entire outlook for a long moment in time. I feel I need to stop looking for that as my escape from my sadness and emptiness, but that thought leaves me feeling such a sense of despair that it pervades my soul with such phenomenal darkness I am certain light will never return. You are that light.


  1. You ARE that light! I was hoping I would see you soon, but I have heard nothing. Believe me, I WILL SPEAK UP when I am there! If I must go rogue, I WILL! I want you to be free so much, that I get shaky in anticipation! I am getting a loan, so if I need to hire tough people to do it; I will! Remember, we also have sm clms ct in feb! That is as legal as regular ct, so if you don't come, there can be probs! At least I can get someone to pick you up!

  2. I always wish I were pretty for you, but I must have my love and kindness be a substitute.....

  3. I wish I could hold you. joy!

  4. I suppose I will have to get a hotel room for Tues. court. If there is no one with a hold on you; I would be thrilled if you came too.

  5. Try to get there, if you can. Maybe say you need to defend yourself and pretend to be angry acting with me. Say you are protecting him and her.....

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Tell her you will give her something she has been wanting.....? Either way Something WILL get done to free you.

  7. Having some chicken for dinner with potato salad and green salad. Also watching the "Antiques Roadshow." I nearly always have it playing. Have a lovely dinner. xxo!

  8. We need to plan an escape in must.....

  9. You cannot keep being a sitting duck!

    1. I have been so deeply in love with you for such a long time.

  10. I am going to say everything! If they say anything about the court papers that were filed, but not sent, then remember an assistant did it.

  11. I want to know you forever, but I don't want some asshole who thinks he should run everyone's life just coming back and doing it again. Also, she needs to be mentally evaluated and locked away. Crime is crime and should be punished.

  12. They certainly know how to beat romance from a person's mind, but my romantic mind is here to stay, at the right time and the right place, but it has nothing to do with what thugs want.

  13. My Thanks is for you and your sweet and gentle nature. Never let horrible people rob you of that, nor the gumption to escape them!

  14. I am going to say that nothing can be done without my (former) doctor's testimony.

  15. YES! You are loved and will be rescued!

    1. I may end up in jail! PLEASE figure out a way to ESCAPE!

  16. My help is not based entirely if you find your way out; it just helps enormously!

  17. My brain is always working on ideas. Then, a roadblock looms up fast!

  18. I am going to have a handyman company come and help w/the house; it is a barn right now!

  19. How are you today, sweetie? Basically just woke up and will go back to the DMV today, later on. I hate the drive , but will look for the Dramamine to take prior to heading out. It will be nice to be all "legal" again! : - )

  20. So, you are held captive and they make you perform acts of degradation?

  21. If you are having a big TG dinner, can you slip away, or speak of your problem to anyone?

  22. I think leaving at lunch time at work will work well, unless you are held physically captive. We need to plan again.

  23. I want to get a phone to you. Would your children help?

  24. If I get people to go help you; would they find you comprimised?

  25. If you go to court, tell the truth. It is the only way to help you.

  26. It is the most disgusting thing for people to be so inhumane to others and then will most likely steal his hard earned belongings. I only want to love him as always. Come to me with nothing, but just come.

  27. Time seems to mean nothing to those who are a part of the system; time means a lot to me, because I am missing out on my friend who I love.

  28. Please don't let anyone intimidate you in court again;
    i think it would do me in.

  29. I want to take you to places/countries of our families and experience them together; if that sounds good to you. I could never enjoy it w/o you.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. I sill think it could fun if we played guitars together

  32. I guess it doesn't matter how I am treated by ANYONE! I am obviously an insignificant bug!

  33. Never lose me! I want to stay in contact! Please be honest; you need to get away.

  34. I knew when I was so in contact w/B that I had found the right person for my life.

  35. Maybe I have not gotten the signals so well. For that I am sincerely sorry. It is not on purpose ; it is my weakness.

  36. I get no answers from my attorney. I am sure it will happen after payment.

  37. I am going to make it happen how I want. Believe me; I am going to make it go my way.

  38. Don't be put off by my familiar language; it makes me feel good right now. It makes me feel nice.

  39. I mean, I want us to get together in the court and then we decide how we want things to go. You need to follow along, or we will never get you free. I will not want you out of my sight. I actually want to make a legal move right then and there; to keep anyone from grabbing you. We cannot go through this again. Then you can have a life. I would never limit you. You need freedom. I need you for as long as you are willing. I want to take care of you.
