Wednesday, October 5, 2022

YAMSO 1,2,3


Dear Honorable Judge of the Superior Court,

I was a patient of my doctor; things were going along fine with my doctor and I. Suddenly this intrusion into our normal lives in the form of Mr. Guasco and his restraining orders and not being able to communicate normally with each other came along. We had a fine existence, until Mr. Guasco came along and made us feel alienated! I never got a chance to discuss anything with Dr. Lukaszewicz; Mr. Guasco is so busy trying to keep us from seeing each other! I said I wanted mediation, but Mr. Guasco said HE would go to mediation with me! How does THAT help? He wants to run our lives because he is trying to fulfill the wishes of a disgruntled, not stable woman who has fixated on me and wants me restrained! In her mind I am the enemy! I have done NOTHING WRONG!

I gave my doctor a few gifts to thank him for his devotion to my health case; he thanked me in emails, in person and telephone calls. We are friendly, but no inappropriate behavior. We enjoy talking to each other, or we did, before Mr. Guasco intruded and turned our lives upside down. As far as I know, being friendly is NOT a crime! I have lived through HELL because of the intrusion. Restraining orders leave no room for mediation if the two parties want it that way. Mr. Guasco made the restraining order to please a completely different person than on the paperwork. Mr. Guasco has in effect,stolen Dr. Lukaszewicz’s identity and has commandeered his life! He has gone so far as to keep Dr. Lukaszewicz’s under lock and key and limit his movement! We were friends! It is odd how Dr. Lukaszewicz is treated like a supernumerary in his own life! Mr. Guasco seems to think Dr. Lukaszewicz cannot speak for himself!

     I have seen Dr. Lukaszewicz come to court looking thin, messy, beaten up, desperate and mouthing asking me for help. It is on my mind every moment of my life! Mr. Guasco has foiled any attempt I could have had to help Dr. Luckaszewicz even get help from the police. I called them one time when I was on the phone with Dr. Lukaszewicz and he suddenly sounded startled and upset and hung up. I could see no caller I.D., so I called his neighborhood police. They asked me if I know the woman who lived there. He said she was powerful. I said I knew of her, but I did not know her. He said, “you know, it is not just men who are abusive, women are abusers too!” So, that warned me that he could very well likely live in an abusive situation at home. In fact, Dr. Lukaszewicz managed to show me scars and an obviously large mutilation area that was covered by clothing; he could have a judge give him a further exam to gather evidence.  Dr. Lukaszewicz is an adult with his own capability to handle his own life. Mike Guasco and Dr. Moayeri have been running his life without his consent. He wants to be an independent human being who answers to no one else. He is a Harvard graduated surgeon, top of his class, and fully able to run his own life. He is being limited by people who want to control his life by force and that is not right! Mr. Guasco has taken advantage of his position at Dr. Lukaszewicz’s work and as an attorney and familiarity with the court system. I am being blamed for everything by Dr. Moayeri and Mike Guasco; it is no different than a kidnapping/hostage situation.  Please free him! It is nothing for me; it is to help a citizen live free as he rightfully intended!

Thank you!

Sincerely, Cheryl Petrovich

1 comment:

  1. I don't know why it looks weird here, but it looked normal in the letter. I want them to know he has been suffering. I also want my attorney to know it too. I am going to work on it for us both; never for just myself. You are my important one. The next court thing is late November. I don't know the details yet. Hugs and love, sweet one.
