Friday, October 7, 2022


 Important Information Dr. Gregory C. Lukaszewicz held prisoner @#3 Mountain Wood Lane, Hillsborough, CA 94110 and is taken from home to work as one who is being labor trafficked DOJ case#01081091


Haviva von Martinitz

AttachmentsJan 6, 2022, 8:28 PM
to gadams, bcc: me
Dear Mr. Adams,

I hope you are very well and had enjoyable holidays.

I know it is difficult to face, but I am begging you to help this situation. Your contract attorney is not behaving in a completely ethical manner. As far as I am concerned, it is a matter of correcting the course and moving on. I was given a restraining order by your contract attorney, Michael C. Guasco. I cannot claim to understand everything, but I know full well when I am being treated in a wrong manner. When I got the restraining order I knew from its inception that something was not right. Dr. Lukaszewicz and I were on an AMA style path to friendship, where the patient drops the doctor as their doctor and then they go on a waiting period to basically "cleanse"off the former relationship as doctor/patient. We had a lovely friendship as it was and it was innocuous and sweet. We so very much enjoyed the conversations we had about things like the way it was during the early years of surgery such as when Dr. Treves was the physician/surgeon for The Elephant Man and close to when my great grandfather was making the decision to leave the nobility in Austria as a part of Queen Victoria's and Albert's large family to eschew the military and instead medical school in Bohemia and open a practice in Iowa, USA and be a doctor and surgeon. Dr. Lukaszewicz would encourage me to take certain medications by saying my great-grandfather would want it. I can only speak for myself, but our conversations were the best thing in my life, but time was too short to be satisfactory. He took such great care of me and made me feel cared about; it was sweet. I had gone through such a hard time with the drowning death of my husband and a year of rough experimental chemo due to the rare cancer that appeared around 20 years after working at a safety careless nuclear pharmacy in Dallas Texas. Then, I was on the board of directors and investor of a tech start-up along with Oracle's former exec VP Mark Barrenechea; amazing learning experience and it was a wearing experience. Dr. Lukaszewicz was a bright spot in my life! He was always there for me and I will always be there for him. It is absolutely disgusting for Mr. Guasco and Dr. Moayeri to take away his right to be the ruler over his own fate! Taking away his freedom is slavery!  Please give him back his freedom! None of this has ANYTHING TO DO WITH ME! THEY ARE CRIMINALS, YET THEY HAVE SADDLED ME WITH AN UNWARRANTED CRIMINAL RECORD! I was an INNOCENT KAISER PATIENT WHO WAS PULLED INTO A NIGHTMARE AND THEY KNOW I HAVE DONE NOTHING WRONG, BUT KEEP ME ENTANGLED BECAUSE AN INSECURE, CRAZY, POLICE DESCRIBE AS ABUSIVE WOMAN, WANTS THAT WAY! PUT HER IN AN INSANE ASYLUM, BEFORE SHE AND MR. GUASCO KILL SOMEONE, LIKE DR. LUKASZEWICZ, WHO IS UNDER THEIR CAPTIVITY AND TREATED VERY BADLY!! I HAVE SEEN HIM LOOK VERY ABUSED!

By the time I was referred to Dr. Lukaszewicz, I had been through the physical insult of a terrifying cancer and it left my body a virtual wreak. He is a kind and sensitive person and had a deeper insight into my complex issues and he bothered to show compassion and caring. What I have taken away from knowing him is that my life was worthwhile and that every encounter with him was a joy and a lovely addition to my life; I know that Dr. Lukaszewicz did so many kind things for me to keep me safe and build up my confidence and health, merely to shatter it all in cruelty and mystery. 
He came to my gallbladder removal surgery at my request because I was frightened and wanted his brilliant eyes on the situation. 

I was in the hospital Tuesday night and had the surgery Friday afternoon, Dr. Lukaszewicz's 1/2 day off, back then. My doctor, Dr. David Li, seemed proud to have had Dr. Lukaszewicz, a highly regarded surgeon, in surgery with him. Dr. Li seemed disappointed in me and said, "Dr. Lukaszewicz saw your fatty liver, ask him." I was never able to speak with him again because I was served a TRO while I was still recovering from my surgery. That is not Dr. Lukaszewicz; the person who builds people up, not tear them down.  This has gone on over 6 years- it must be unprecedented for a TRO. I NEVER BELIEVED IT WAS FROM DR. LUKASZEWICZ! In fact, I had 3 different handwriting experts tell me that Dr. Lukaszewicz's signature was forged. I got a report from one, since they are very expensive. I was ignored. I did not want to cause Dr. Lukaszewicz any problems with his place of employment, which seemed like was actually who could have been who was upset with my showing my gratitude to Dr. Lukaszewicz with a few gifts that happened to resonate with him. I did not understand a TRO, which is generally used as a sign of an emergency, but I had been giving him a few gifts of thanks over the years, with no problem at all; why was it suddenly made into a emergency problem now? It is also out of character for Dr. Lukaszewicz; it seemed more like a jealous, vindictive type of behavior, not a zen following kind person who went out of his way on his half day off to keep me safe (even symbolically).. I am sure he had better things to do on his partial day off than hang around a routine surgery that he could do with his eyes closed. Why would he want to encourage me toward himself, if he were going to give me a TRO? 

Mr. Guasco was not working for Dr. Lukaszewicz; he was working for Dr. Moayeri; why else did she need to have his signature forged? She had a colleague of hers, Dr. Marianne Moon, radiology, terrorize me and say things to me that only Dr. Moayeri would say to me, since I had never met Dr. Moon before. She said I take things that belong to other people, she said I was greedy and selfish, she said I am a bad person....on and on; it was absurd for Dr. Moon to say such things while waving a very long needle in my face in a threatening manner as if she were going to poke me in the eyes, when she was supposed to be doing a breast biopsy? Talking like a person owns another human being is scary. She is someone who does not care if she breaks the law, or holds a person as a captive. She is obviously a narcissist and one who is highly controlled by that mental illness. When a person has reached the point where they are hiring others to terrify and physically abuse people, that is MAJOR CRIMINAL ACTIVITY!  

Mr. Guasco is a former husband of a major drug dealer! It could have been a family business. He thinks of authority figures as the enemy. He knows I have an MS brain lesion, so he tries each time he sees me to upset me and yells at me.  Don't you get what a terrible person  and criminal Mr. Guasco is? When the false restraining order he had on me was over he gave me another TRO when I wanted to ask Dr. Lukaszewicz, as he had done before to observe my breast cancer surgery, Guasco had already told Dr. Lukaszewicz's office that I was already under the restraint of a restraining order,
 but he lied, since I had already that day spoken with the court and I had never been served. A few days later he had me served by an under age looking female and dragged me into court with a disheveled and beaten looking Dr. Lukaszewicz, who did not speak, but barked out one syllable words (or word). THAT PERSON IN COURT WAS NOT THE DR. LUKASZEWICZ I KNEW!  It was set up in advance that I would get yet another restraining order! Judge Foiles said nothing much but handed that Kaiser CONTRACT CRIMINAL, a FIVE YEAR RESTRAINING ORDER FOR MY HAVING DONE NOTHING TO DESERVE IT!
Mr. Guasco and Dr. Moayeri are holding Dr. Lukaszewicz captive! They will end up making him so sad and in despair, he will DIE! HE HAS NO LIFE!
They have terrified me with cruel, frightening treatment and I cannot go to any Kaiser, since Dr. Moayeri's insanity wants me dead! 
It cannot be anything but to use me as a scapegoat as an excuse to keep Dr. Lukaszewicz as a prisoner in hopes that he will die, or be killed for his money and somehow blame me for it, although I moved around 120 miles away on a difficult drive on Mendocino's Hwy 1. 

I have been treated like garbage by Kaiser for over 6 years! They gave me a TRO for giving thank you gifts to Dr. Lukaszewicz for saving my life! He gratefully KEPT THEM and wrote me thank you notes! I gave them all to the DA, why did he keep this false R.O. going and add on to it? Someone threatened Dr. Lukaszewicz and made him lie. He needs to be away from all threat and be able to tell the truth! I had not seen Dr. Lukaszewicz for at least 100 days and no gift for at least 100 prior to that; why an EMERGENCY RESTRAINING ORDER? MR. GUASCO WANTED TO MAKE AN INNOCENT SENIOR WIDOW WHO WAS GRATEFUL TO A KIND DOCTOR INTO A MONSTER SCAPEGOAT! WHY? I THINK HE IS DISGUSING WHAT HE AND DR. MOAYERI ARE DOING AND WHAT THEY WILL BE DOING TO DR. LUKASZEWICZ AND GUASCO PAYS EVERONE OFF USING A ENDLESS SUPPLY OF MONEY! HIS MONEY SUPPLY NEEDS TO BE CUT OFF! HE DOES BAD THINGS WITH IT! HE IS HURTING DOCTERS WITH IT! Kaiser is employing CRIMINALS to work there and use the court system as their employees to do their bidding! Even the Private Defender Program and the Bar Assn themselves are working for Mike Guasco, because Kaiser gives him UNLIMITED MONEY TO USE FOR EVIL! PLEASE, MR. ADAMS, CUT OFF GUASCO's FINANCIAL LARGESS! GUASCO IS NO DOUBT SKIMMING LARGE SUMS OF MONEY while HARMING THE JUSTICE SYSTEM! KAISER HAS BECOME HORRIBLY CORRUPT! PLEASE END IT NOW! PLEASE FREE DR. LUKASZEWICZ BEFORE HE DIES OF DESPAIR, OR THEY KILL HIM AS THEY HAVE BEEN TRYING TO KILL ME! HE CANNOT GO ON UNDER LOCK AND KEY/CAMERA AND NO FREEDOM AT HOME AND LIVES UNDER ABUSE! You are also allowing someone as insane and as ABUSIVE as the police said Dr. Moayeri is, to continue to work in surgery! How can you do that?

Dr. Lukaszewicz deserves to have his freedom! PLEASE GET RID OF MIKE GUASCO, HE TRIED TO GET ME HARMED, IF NOT MURDERED! He will do the same to Dr. Lukaszewicz! I put Dr. Lukaszewicz in my will for 1/4 and gave him power of attorney papers, but Edward Souza, one of Guasco's minions, pulled the papers out of Kaiser mail. I had copies in my court file, but Guasco had one of my interviewees, Marc Pelta, take my court file and sent it to Guasco. Pelta pretended to me that he had shredded it! 

Mr.Guasco claims to give free legal to Kaiser doctors, but Dr. Lukaszewicz NEVER ASKED FOR HIS CRIMINAL SERVICES, BUT DR. LUKASZEWICS has been FORCED UNDER THREAT TO BE UNDER GUASCO'S THUMB! FREE HIM PLEASE!  There is no way that if you do not free him; his DEATH WILL NOT BE ON YOUR SHOULDERS FOR NOT RESCUING DR. LUKASZEWICZ!

Dr. Lukaszewicz is a good person and he has been treated so badly by those awful criminals with twisted minds! Let HIM GO!

Please live up to your good reputation! Get rid of bad and promote good!


Thank you!  Please excuse any typos, or mistakes; I am tired and extremely tired of this!

Cheryl Petrovich
707 412 0399 No cell at this time


  1. I am not angry with you, but my heart dies whenever I have to relive the trial crap back stabbing. It makes me want to die each time I relive it. I wish you could hug my pain away. Please don't ever hurt me again like that.

  2. I know that I can never stop loving you.
