Saturday, January 7, 2023

The electricity and Internet go OUT ALL THE TIME!


You make my life!


  1. Life is shallow and dull without you, but even worse, I worry about you.

  2. Let me have the right to keep you safe and protected.

  3. During the night PG&E were by my house sawing fallen trees, even with lightening flashing the skies completely light and the thunder filling our ears with scary sound. I was terrified a human would succumb as lifeless as a magnificent tree. Not a wonderful trade for safety......

  4. You are more beautiful than a Rembrandt, but in as much danger of being stolen and defiled! Precious treasures need to be protected!

  5. The pages on this tablet change all the time and I get lost. Just know they are full of love for you.

  6. I suppose we are back to wearing masks. I never know, since I really don't go out. Please stay safe.

  7. I want to see your face, hear your voice, gaze into your welcoming eyes, be in your warmth, know someone I can trust again, I have been dying without you. Please help me. I am so sad. Help me help you. I only need you again.

  8. Try and find a way for me to free you.

  9. Don't mean to sound dire, but sometimes it feels that way! It has been a looooong time!

  10. I think I have been pretty good considering!

  11. I hope you may have your say. I am behind you. Whatever you need/want. I want justice for you.

  12. I could go for their blood, but I am not like that, but for you and your suffering.....I CAN.

  13. You are so easy to love. I basically told you that the first day I met you and said that "they were so lucky to work for you" and you said in your self deprecating way, "I must remember to tell them that." You made me feel like fainting, even then. Your sense of humor grabs me.

  14. Got another's tablet and a computer is on the way. Just had to deal with a clogged toilet. I do not use the master bathroom. I was talking to someone who wants me to take a reverse mortgage, but I don't like being rushed. She is calling back tomorrow. I won't take the call. She is super nice, but pushy.

  15. Then Hilton will be a nice break. This place needs kitchen renovation and maybe bathroom......I don't know.....the less one owns seems to be better, but also is a wonderful investment.....mostly; people also try and steal it away.....

  16. Good morning my sweet friend! I look forward to seeing you.

  17. Are you into the Super Bowl? I used to like it if I had a team to root for, but it has lost its allure. For awhile, when I lived in Dallas and one of the Cowboys was a patient at an orthodontist's office where I worked I was a Cowboys fan and met some players when I went to lunch with a friend it made being a fan more personal and fun. They seemed nice and well mannered. Then, back home I was a 49'er fan and ran into Steve Young a few times out and about.
