Friday, January 6, 2023


 Please don't take my disappearance personally; it took me by surprise. I had no comforts except your candle lit picture. I froze, but I saw a beautiful view that made me smile and my heart beat with passion.🤟

It was awful and lovely at the same time! 

You are always lovely. I always want to see your face......


  1. I love you beyond what you could ever know. Please call me to come rescue you. I will risk anything. Please know that about me.

  2. Today was my third day of not sleeping, so when I did fall asleep, I zonked out for a long time. You were my last thought.

  3. There are flood warnings from today until Monday. I am soon going to have the server guy come there at your work. My printer broke down and has not gotten the new one going yet. HP has control over our printers when you get Instant Ink.

  4. I think I am going to tell the SM Clms Ct about your situation. I told the ADR woman and she said she was going to tell people, but I don't know what that means, so I am going to also tell the judge.

  5. I want to get the guard thing going, but I need to make certain what can be done.

  6. I do not know how much freedom is available, or the situation. Who answers the door; anyone? Another server went there at various times a day and he said no answer.

  7. Not sure if the Internet is working right now, we shall see. I love you.

  8. Could you ever reason with her?


  10. I am not really as needy as I make myself sound. In person I am rational and reasonable. I often just live in my head here. It is a tiny existence.

  11. Too you must deal with not too normal people on a regular basis. I do see the difference. You need to get away from that. I would be a friend, or helper; whatever you want; I just enjoy being around you.Sometimes important decisions can be made too quickly/hastily.

  12. I just worry you will look at me blankly, like:"who are you?" Please don't. This time has been important to me ; you are important to me. I know I am no one important, but you have been someone who kept me alive. I forget any bad; you are my angel, like "B" but am in love with you; she is lovely, but a sweet mom who loves her boy. You have wonderful, kind parents.

  13. Both my parents were nice some times,but abusive and cruel at others.

  14. I had a basically okay childhood,but not the greatest. My mother gives me no breaks about my mistakes, but I let it roll off my back and go on. My mother is 90 Year's old and I look at her as my treasure. She looks at me as her mistake. My grandmother looked at me as kind hearted, my mother looks at me as a money wasting fool. The women in my family were cold, my father liked to beat the shit out of me. he chased me down the hall in a whipping frenzy with his belt. I would jump into my bed and pull the covers my head, but the whipping continued. That was actually more terrifying than hit with full on blows. I could never understand what a kid could do to evoke such a display of madness from someone. My mother was the same. She beat me until she was tired and then finally stopped. I see how people identify with Jesus. So much in life makes no sense. Sometimes I feel it was my lot in life to be abused, but all I want to do is love and protect. No creepy meanness, or anything creepy. Knowing me would prove me out. I am a protector of kids and animals and anyone helpless and abused. I want to rock you in my arms and take away your pain. That has long been my desire. I would love to hold your face in my hands and take in it's beauty and love. I never felt that way toward anyone.

  15. You deserve to be loved and cherished. You are someone special and blessed. You know your amazing talent, charm and phenomenal looks and they leave me breathless. I will never downplay your gifts. They are gifts to all who behold them. Hugs!
