Sunday, January 29, 2023


 I think tht we hve  nice feeling of communiction nd did it for  long time. There ws  reson for it. I think WNTING IT, DESIRE, OR NECESSITY IS WHT CUSED IT. I feel privilidged. I do not think I could hve survived w/o it. I ws blessed. You sved my life, yet gin.


you were so polite nd sweet nd i remember sying tht we hd so mny things in common tht if you sid you hd  64  lf   ROMEO Spider like me, I would fint

I relly loved everything you hd to sy; it ws so fun

I need to get more phones/more computer/tblet   these hve been horrible IF I'M GONE, FIGURE IT IS TECH ISSUE. 


  1. It has actually gotten back a few more keys along the way so I can write better.

  2. I actually got an i phone, but I forgot the old i phone I had as new that sucked up the liquid that got into the purse pocket. Now I have a lovely, expensive paperweight. Lesson learned. No more liquid near my phone.

  3. I would love to get another Alfa. But, it is an expensive car. Maybe a "fixer upper" would work. I kept blowing the head gasket, so my husband said I had to sell my car 😢😢😭 he worked on the car and was tired of it. Oh well.

  4. I guess I need to get into keto genic diet. Limiting carbohydrates helps cognitive issues. I imagine you understand about it. Lowering glucose levels mitochondria only ketones fuel the brain. I need to get a better understanding of ketones. They are possibly the brain's preferred fuel sources ? It seems to have something to do w/Alzheimer's. I want to prevent that. Very few clinical trials of ketogenic diet and Altzheimer's. It is interesting.

  5. I want to free you. Help me, please. I may come there a day early.

  6. I want to free you. Help me, please. I may come there a day early.

  7. I bought the i phone in the middle of the night and forgot where I got it, because I had no membership to use. Problem is, it hasn't arrived yet and
    I have no reference as a receipt. I can certainly be a dumb bunny.

    I do have a lot of camera equipment set up on the lookout and a burly few neighbors of the outdoorsy type on the watch. Right next door is a retired airline pilot who is very nice. He makes me feel looked after when I am alone. He used to have a woman who lived with him, but she went to visit family in New York and never returned. They never seemed very together anyway.

  8. I don't know if my roomie is going with me anyway. I hate driving alone, but it has been when I speak to my friend from the Universe. Sounds silly, but she kept me from feeling alone and lost, many a lonely drive. The shooting stars were especially a comfort. She kept me alive many a time, when I felt terribly down. I would love to get some sushi when I am away. I truly like the conventional types, like magaro, salmon and cream cheese and the egg. I never got too adventurous ,but I enjoy it. I wish I could have my friend with me, but it would sure be a nice surprise. Maybe he will be astonishing and be there at noon thirty. I would die of happiness.

  9. I do not understand how people can get together for such cruelty. I would never let them get away with it, if I could possibly help it. I would fight like a feral animal. I would tell each person I saw.

  10. I will always stand up for you. You never have to worry about that.
