Saturday, January 7, 2023


 I live in such a wild weather area, one never knows if the power will be knocked out, like it was the last few days!

That left me with no lights and no Internet and no warm blanket and worse, no phone; it was frustrating. I 

could not even thank my mother for her Christmas kindness that gave me a new washer/dryer, or welcome 

her back from her cruise. It felt lonely and isolated; the Post Office has been closed for many days, so 

mailing cards wasn't even an option. There is such thing as too remote. Oh well. I missed someone and it hurt. ....a lot. All you can do is hope they understand and know you care. 

Because you do; so very much.

More than life itself. I cried each day.   😟

1 comment:

  1. I love you more than I can even say. I do not want to ever lose you. Please allow me to do whatever I can do to keep you in my life.
