Thursday, June 2, 2022



Justsum Nobodee

The pwCNPD reveal themselves in many ways. The reveal however only happens within the 6 spheres of influence. Engagements of buying a latte, or paying the yard guy won't reveal a narcissist. Imagine 3 concentric circles with the center being the closest to the pwCNPD. The furthest out would be normal empathetic distanced people, those casually knowing them, the gym, work, neighbors, others in every day life will sense sadness from them, emptiness, something is missing, something is off balance, may hear self deprecation, they may smell the alcohol, hear a gossipy story, see the obesity, some form of self indulgence. The brief engagements would probably be characterized as normal, pleasant, even charming, may hear a funny joke from them. Narcissists have a quick wit, sharp, sarcastic, and cutting. This can be very funny at times. The same part of the brain that puts things together to be humorous to others also puts things together incorrectly creating confabulation, gossip, and lies. The darker side of comedy. The false self is passable even cordial.

Those a little closer, the middle circle, social group, church friends, work mates, sports teamate, drinking buddies, cousins, those that must deal with them with light expectations or responsibilities. These people know a little background of the pwCNPD, victim stories about bad parents, bad spouse, unfair treatment. Of course the pwCNPD will leave out that they inherited a million or two. Give no credit to the positives of their upbringing. This group may also know about their repeated job difficulties, their living off someone else, tumultuous personal life, bullshit life story. These witnesses will also see the self indulgence with alcohol, food, drugs. Watch the drinking, watch the over eating, witness the self sabotage, may share in the self indulgent behaviors. The recreational sports team mate or opponent will witness the cheating, screaming, doing anything to win. Ruining the enjoyment of the sport making it all about the narcissist winning. Others in this life circle will experience their dismissive attitude. Hear repetitive gossipy lies about others. Be told that there are outrageous lies being told about them behind their back. These closer associates may see the explosive rage once or twice. Experience the turning off or weaponized silence. Self referential speech and conduct, selfishness. This group will also make excuses for the pwCNPD hoping to preserve the casual relationship, thinking its a just a bad day, bad mood, just drunk. "He does this to everybody" is one i hear often. "He has an anger problem" or "He had a dark side" are a couple more i've heard. Many in this group after experiences lies, abuse, criticisms, or rage will eventually begin avoiding or excluded themselves by the pwCNPD.

The inner circle. Those spouses, children, close family. Those living inside the home. Those targeted for supply, children who can't escape, others in debt or expected supply to the pwCNPD.

These are the most damaged and affected individuals. Targets for the constant jockeying for control and domination. The recipients of snide remarks, put downs, hitting, vicious attacks, public humiliations and the screaming. Oh the screaming and violence. The public humiliation is a big reveal to others. Others on periphery may know the damage going on inside the family but don't say anything. Family photographs reveal zombie like looks from those affected. The unhappiness and misery in their eyes. Manipulative behavior by narcissists, lies, glaring crazy eyes, gaslighting, tricks with gifts, destabilizing attacks. Anxiety causing behavior. The bullied family members. Perpetual victimhood and self pity of the pwCNPD must be affirmed. Any objection? Screaming narcissistic rage to keep their false self maintained and control in place. That creepy blank dead eye reptilian emotionless stare. Physical violence to control and intimidate others. Walking on eggshells daily in your own home. Future faking promises. The inner circle will know about the other past burned bridges and discards with other family and friends. Relationships destroyed and likely to be one themselves soon and actively looking to escape the parental scheme. Manipulation by money, affection, conditional love. It destroys souls. Its like living with a big angry baby that will hit you. I lived it, watched my mother get hit, got hit myself, witnessed the rage, smashed objects in the house, foaming at mouth, screaming, all of us walking on eggshells, punching the fireplace with bloody fists “See what you do to me!!??”, hysterics, never at fault, he never said he was sorry. Miserable and dead of cancer by age 57. My mother wasn’t a wife, I wasn’t a son, my sister wasn’t a daughter, we were all babysitters, servants, tools, supply.

View being discarded by a narcissist as a compliment, it means they couldn’t get what they want. Discard and weaponized silence is your punishment. Asking anyone with CNPD to change is akin to asking an amputee to grow back a limb. Showing them a list of their lies, false accusations, or abusive incidents only enacts an immune response of more lies, word salad verbal diarreah, gaslighting, counter accusations, reframing incidents as jokes or misunderstandings. Its truly maniacal.

I, as an adult, attorney, self reliant, self financially secure put up with this abuse as an adult for 20 years from relatives I didn’t know until my 20’s. I put up with it because I just saw them as sad and lonely and wanted “family”, I have a strong sense of self from a loving mother, service to others since childhood, life experience, accomplishment, multiple degrees, and creating wealth. When these reliant on inheritance, angry, obese, delusional, screaming narcissistic people would attack me I would just laugh inside myself. I didn’t understand the darkness, the true insidious focused intentional attempts at damage to others. I thought I could take the shots and get along to go along. After studying this disorder and seeing the damage it causes younger people, children, spouses, I cannot look at them the same way. It’s like embracing a suicide bomber. These pwCNPD are liars, frauds, dark, abusers, violent dangerous manipulators, jealous, selfish, venom spewing trolls, angry child clowns. In my family the disorder is generational, its like a bizarre personality disorder reproduction cycle. PwNPD give birth to more pwNPD, pwCNPD.

Distance yourself, if you have been damaged get counseling. Be yourself and love yourself.

Justsum Nobodee

The pwCNPD reveal themselves in many ways. The reveal however only happens within the 6 spheres of influence. Engagements of buying a latte, or paying the yard guy won't reveal a narcissist. Imagine 3 concentric circles with the center being the closest to the pwCNPD. The furthest out would be normal empathetic distanced people, those casually knowing them, the gym, work, neighbors, others in every day life will sense sadness from them, emptiness, something is missing, something is off balance, may hear self deprecation, they may smell the alcohol, hear a gossipy story, see the obesity, some form of self indulgence. The brief engagements would probably be characterized as normal, pleasant, even charming, may hear a funny joke from them. Narcissists have a quick wit, sharp, sarcastic, and cutting. This can be very funny at times. The same part of the brain that puts things together to be humorous to others also puts things together incorrectly creating confabulation, gossip, and lies. The darker side of comedy. The false self is passable even cordial.

Those a little closer, the middle circle, social group, church friends, work mates, sports teamate, drinking buddies, cousins, those that must deal with them with light expectations or responsibilities. These people know a little background of the pwCNPD, victim stories about bad parents, bad spouse, unfair treatment. Of course the pwCNPD will leave out that they inherited a million or two. Give no credit to the positives of their upbringing. This group may also know about their repeated job difficulties, their living off someone else, tumultuous personal life, bullshit life story. These witnesses will also see the self indulgence with alcohol, food, drugs. Watch the drinking, watch the over eating, witness the self sabotage, may share in the self indulgent behaviors. The recreational sports team mate or opponent will witness the cheating, screaming, doing anything to win. Ruining the enjoyment of the sport making it all about the narcissist winning. Others in this life circle will experience their dismissive attitude. Hear repetitive gossipy lies about others. Be told that there are outrageous lies being told about them behind their back. These closer associates may see the explosive rage once or twice. Experience the turning off or weaponized silence. Self referential speech and conduct, selfishness. This group will also make excuses for the pwCNPD hoping to preserve the casual relationship, thinking its a just a bad day, bad mood, just drunk. "He does this to everybody" is one i hear often. "He has an anger problem" or "He had a dark side" are a couple more i've heard. Many in this group after experiences lies, abuse, criticisms, or rage will eventually begin avoiding or excluded themselves by the pwCNPD.

The inner circle. Those spouses, children, close family. Those living inside the home. Those targeted for supply, children who can't escape, others in debt or expected supply to the pwCNPD.

These are the most damaged and affected individuals. Targets for the constant jockeying for control and domination. The recipients of snide remarks, put downs, hitting, vicious attacks, public humiliations and the screaming. Oh the screaming and violence. The public humiliation is a big reveal to others. Others on periphery may know the damage going on inside the family but don't say anything. Family photographs reveal zombie like looks from those affected. The unhappiness and misery in their eyes. Manipulative behavior by narcissists, lies, glaring crazy eyes, gaslighting, tricks with gifts, destabilizing attacks. Anxiety causing behavior. The bullied family members. Perpetual victimhood and self pity of the pwCNPD must be affirmed. Any objection? Screaming narcissistic rage to keep their false self maintained and control in place. That creepy blank dead eye reptilian emotionless stare. Physical violence to control and intimidate others. Walking on eggshells daily in your own home. Future faking promises. The inner circle will know about the other past burned bridges and discards with other family and friends. Relationships destroyed and likely to be one themselves soon and actively looking to escape the parental scheme. Manipulation by money, affection, conditional love. It destroys souls. Its like living with a big angry baby that will hit you. I lived it, watched my mother get hit, got hit myself, witnessed the rage, smashed objects in the house, foaming at mouth, screaming, all of us walking on eggshells, punching the fireplace with bloody fists “See what you do to me!!??”, hysterics, never at fault, he never said he was sorry. Miserable and dead of cancer by age 57. My mother wasn’t a wife, I wasn’t a son, my sister wasn’t a daughter, we were all babysitters, servants, tools, supply.

View being discarded by a narcissist as a compliment, it means they couldn’t get what they want. Discard and weaponized silence is your punishment. Asking anyone with CNPD to change is akin to asking an amputee to grow back a limb. Showing them a list of their lies, false accusations, or abusive incidents only enacts an immune response of more lies, word salad verbal diarreah, gaslighting, counter accusations, reframing incidents as jokes or misunderstandings. Its truly maniacal.

I, as an adult, attorney, self reliant, self financially secure put up with this abuse as an adult for 20 years from relatives I didn’t know until my 20’s. I put up with it because I just saw them as sad and lonely and wanted “family”, I have a strong sense of self from a loving mother, service to others since childhood, life experience, accomplishment, multiple degrees, and creating wealth. When these reliant on inheritance, angry, obese, delusional, screaming narcissistic people would attack me I would just laugh inside myself. I didn’t understand the darkness, the true insidious focused intentional attempts at damage to others. I thought I could take the shots and get along to go along. After studying this disorder and seeing the damage it causes younger people, children, spouses, I cannot look at them the same way. It’s like embracing a suicide bomber. These pwCNPD are liars, frauds, dark, abusers, violent dangerous manipulators, jealous, selfish, venom spewing trolls, angry child clowns. In my family the disorder is generational, its like a bizarre personality disorder reproduction cycle. PwNPD give birth to more pwNPD, pwCNPD.

Distance yourself, if you have been damaged get counseling. Be yourself and love yourself.

Justsum Nobodee

The pwCNPD reveal themselves in many ways. The reveal however only happens within the 6 spheres of influence. Engagements of buying a latte, or paying the yard guy won't reveal a narcissist. Imagine 3 concentric circles with the center being the closest to the pwCNPD. The furthest out would be normal empathetic distanced people, those casually knowing them, the gym, work, neighbors, others in every day life will sense sadness from them, emptiness, something is missing, something is off balance, may hear self deprecation, they may smell the alcohol, hear a gossipy story, see the obesity, some form of self indulgence. The brief engagements would probably be characterized as normal, pleasant, even charming, may hear a funny joke from them. Narcissists have a quick wit, sharp, sarcastic, and cutting. This can be very funny at times. The same part of the brain that puts things together to be humorous to others also puts things together incorrectly creating confabulation, gossip, and lies. The darker side of comedy. The false self is passable even cordial.

Those a little closer, the middle circle, social group, church friends, work mates, sports teamate, drinking buddies, cousins, those that must deal with them with light expectations or responsibilities. These people know a little background of the pwCNPD, victim stories about bad parents, bad spouse, unfair treatment. Of course the pwCNPD will leave out that they inherited a million or two. Give no credit to the positives of their upbringing. This group may also know about their repeated job difficulties, their living off someone else, tumultuous personal life, bullshit life story. These witnesses will also see the self indulgence with alcohol, food, drugs. Watch the drinking, watch the over eating, witness the self sabotage, may share in the self indulgent behaviors. The recreational sports team mate or opponent will witness the cheating, screaming, doing anything to win. Ruining the enjoyment of the sport making it all about the narcissist winning. Others in this life circle will experience their dismissive attitude. Hear repetitive gossipy lies about others. Be told that there are outrageous lies being told about them behind their back. These closer associates may see the explosive rage once or twice. Experience the turning off or weaponized silence. Self referential speech and conduct, selfishness. This group will also make excuses for the pwCNPD hoping to preserve the casual relationship, thinking its a just a bad day, bad mood, just drunk. "He does this to everybody" is one i hear often. "He has an anger problem" or "He had a dark side" are a couple more i've heard. Many in this group after experiences lies, abuse, criticisms, or rage will eventually begin avoiding or excluded themselves by the pwCNPD.

The inner circle. Those spouses, children, close family. Those living inside the home. Those targeted for supply, children who can't escape, others in debt or expected supply to the pwCNPD.

These are the most damaged and affected individuals. Targets for the constant jockeying for control and domination. The recipients of snide remarks, put downs, hitting, vicious attacks, public humiliations and the screaming. Oh the screaming and violence. The public humiliation is a big reveal to others. Others on periphery may know the damage going on inside the family but don't say anything. Family photographs reveal zombie like looks from those affected. The unhappiness and misery in their eyes. Manipulative behavior by narcissists, lies, glaring crazy eyes, gaslighting, tricks with gifts, destabilizing attacks. Anxiety causing behavior. The bullied family members. Perpetual victimhood and self pity of the pwCNPD must be affirmed. Any objection? Screaming narcissistic rage to keep their false self maintained and control in place. That creepy blank dead eye reptilian emotionless stare. Physical violence to control and intimidate others. Walking on eggshells daily in your own home. Future faking promises. The inner circle will know about the other past burned bridges and discards with other family and friends. Relationships destroyed and likely to be one themselves soon and actively looking to escape the parental scheme. Manipulation by money, affection, conditional love. It destroys souls. Its like living with a big angry baby that will hit you. I lived it, watched my mother get hit, got hit myself, witnessed the rage, smashed objects in the house, foaming at mouth, screaming, all of us walking on eggshells, punching the fireplace with bloody fists “See what you do to me!!??”, hysterics, never at fault, he never said he was sorry. Miserable and dead of cancer by age 57. My mother wasn’t a wife, I wasn’t a son, my sister wasn’t a daughter, we were all babysitters, servants, tools, supply.

View being discarded by a narcissist as a compliment, it means they couldn’t get what they want. Discard and weaponized silence is your punishment. Asking anyone with CNPD to change is akin to asking an amputee to grow back a limb. Showing them a list of their lies, false accusations, or abusive incidents only enacts an immune response of more lies, word salad verbal diarreah, gaslighting, counter accusations, reframing incidents as jokes or misunderstandings. Its truly maniacal.

I, as an adult, attorney, self reliant, self financially secure put up with this abuse as an adult for 20 years from relatives I didn’t know until my 20’s. I put up with it because I just saw them as sad and lonely and wanted “family”, I have a strong sense of self from a loving mother, service to others since childhood, life experience, accomplishment, multiple degrees, and creating wealth. When these reliant on inheritance, angry, obese, delusional, screaming narcissistic people would attack me I would just laugh inside myself. I didn’t understand the darkness, the true insidious focused intentional attempts at damage to others. I thought I could take the shots and get along to go along. After studying this disorder and seeing the damage it causes younger people, children, spouses, I cannot look at them the same way. It’s like embracing a suicide bomber. These pwCNPD are liars, frauds, dark, abusers, violent dangerous manipulators, jealous, selfish, venom spewing trolls, angry child clowns. In my family the disorder is generational, its like a bizarre personality disorder reproduction cycle. PwNPD give birth to more pwNPD, pwCNPD.

Distance yourself, if you have been damaged get counseling. Be yourself and love yourself.

Justsum Nobodee

The pwCNPD reveal themselves in many ways. The reveal however only happens within the 6 spheres of influence. Engagements of buying a latte, or paying the yard guy won't reveal a narcissist. Imagine 3 concentric circles with the center being the closest to the pwCNPD. The furthest out would be normal empathetic distanced people, those casually knowing them, the gym, work, neighbors, others in every day life will sense sadness from them, emptiness, something is missing, something is off balance, may hear self deprecation, they may smell the alcohol, hear a gossipy story, see the obesity, some form of self indulgence. The brief engagements would probably be characterized as normal, pleasant, even charming, may hear a funny joke from them. Narcissists have a quick wit, sharp, sarcastic, and cutting. This can be very funny at times. The same part of the brain that puts things together to be humorous to others also puts things together incorrectly creating confabulation, gossip, and lies. The darker side of comedy. The false self is passable even cordial.

Those a little closer, the middle circle, social group, church friends, work mates, sports teamate, drinking buddies, cousins, those that must deal with them with light expectations or responsibilities. These people know a little background of the pwCNPD, victim stories about bad parents, bad spouse, unfair treatment. Of course the pwCNPD will leave out that they inherited a million or two. Give no credit to the positives of their upbringing. This group may also know about their repeated job difficulties, their living off someone else, tumultuous personal life, bullshit life story. These witnesses will also see the self indulgence with alcohol, food, drugs. Watch the drinking, watch the over eating, witness the self sabotage, may share in the self indulgent behaviors. The recreational sports team mate or opponent will witness the cheating, screaming, doing anything to win. Ruining the enjoyment of the sport making it all about the narcissist winning. Others in this life circle will experience their dismissive attitude. Hear repetitive gossipy lies about others. Be told that there are outrageous lies being told about them behind their back. These closer associates may see the explosive rage once or twice. Experience the turning off or weaponized silence. Self referential speech and conduct, selfishness. This group will also make excuses for the pwCNPD hoping to preserve the casual relationship, thinking its a just a bad day, bad mood, just drunk. "He does this to everybody" is one i hear often. "He has an anger problem" or "He had a dark side" are a couple more i've heard. Many in this group after experiences lies, abuse, criticisms, or rage will eventually begin avoiding or excluded themselves by the pwCNPD.

The inner circle. Those spouses, children, close family. Those living inside the home. Those targeted for supply, children who can't escape, others in debt or expected supply to the pwCNPD.

These are the most damaged and affected individuals. Targets for the constant jockeying for control and domination. The recipients of snide remarks, put downs, hitting, vicious attacks, public humiliations and the screaming. Oh the screaming and violence. The public humiliation is a big reveal to others. Others on periphery may know the damage going on inside the family but don't say anything. Family photographs reveal zombie like looks from those affected. The unhappiness and misery in their eyes. Manipulative behavior by narcissists, lies, glaring crazy eyes, gaslighting, tricks with gifts, destabilizing attacks. Anxiety causing behavior. The bullied family members. Perpetual victimhood and self pity of the pwCNPD must be affirmed. Any objection? Screaming narcissistic rage to keep their false self maintained and control in place. That creepy blank dead eye reptilian emotionless stare. Physical violence to control and intimidate others. Walking on eggshells daily in your own home. Future faking promises. The inner circle will know about the other past burned bridges and discards with other family and friends. Relationships destroyed and likely to be one themselves soon and actively looking to escape the parental scheme. Manipulation by money, affection, conditional love. It destroys souls. Its like living with a big angry baby that will hit you. I lived it, watched my mother get hit, got hit myself, witnessed the rage, smashed objects in the house, foaming at mouth, screaming, all of us walking on eggshells, punching the fireplace with bloody fists “See what you do to me!!??”, hysterics, never at fault, he never said he was sorry. Miserable and dead of cancer by age 57. My mother wasn’t a wife, I wasn’t a son, my sister wasn’t a daughter, we were all babysitters, servants, tools, supply.

View being discarded by a narcissist as a compliment, it means they couldn’t get what they want. Discard and weaponized silence is your punishment. Asking anyone with CNPD to change is akin to asking an amputee to grow back a limb. Showing them a list of their lies, false accusations, or abusive incidents only enacts an immune response of more lies, word salad verbal diarreah, gaslighting, counter accusations, reframing incidents as jokes or misunderstandings. Its truly maniacal.

I, as an adult, attorney, self reliant, self financially secure put up with this abuse as an adult for 20 years from relatives I didn’t know until my 20’s. I put up with it because I just saw them as sad and lonely and wanted “family”, I have a strong sense of self from a loving mother, service to others since childhood, life experience, accomplishment, multiple degrees, and creating wealth. When these reliant on inheritance, angry, obese, delusional, screaming narcissistic people would attack me I would just laugh inside myself. I didn’t understand the darkness, the true insidious focused intentional attempts at damage to others. I thought I could take the shots and get along to go along. After studying this disorder and seeing the damage it causes younger people, children, spouses, I cannot look at them the same way. It’s like embracing a suicide bomber. These pwCNPD are liars, frauds, dark, abusers, violent dangerous manipulators, jealous, selfish, venom spewing trolls, angry child clowns. In my family the disorder is generational, its like a bizarre personality disorder reproduction cycle. PwNPD give birth to more pwNPD, pwCNPD.

Distance yourself, if you have been damaged get counseling. Be yourself and love yourself.

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