Friday, June 17, 2022


 You know you made me love you, by being so nice and so interesting, so gorgeous, and had the nicest hair and lovely eyes I wanted to live in......I could hardly wait until I saw you again. Remember how we bartered as to how many times it could be? I was so happy, beyond my dearest dreams to be able to see you!  🔮

I want to laugh and be silly with you again.

I just want to cry now.    😭😢


  1. You will always back me, right? I will always back you and figure out ways to free you.

  2. Come back to me. I die a bit when I lose you. Right now I am dying a lot!

  3. I could never love anyone else like I love you, ever!

  4. What your narcissist wants you to do

    Scott Bassett Unsubscribe
    Aug 16, 2022, 7:05 AM (1 day ago)
    to me

    Your narcissist doesn't want you to know what they're thinking.

    And they won't tell you what they really want.

    Because they do bad things they can't admit they're doing.

    This might surprise you though.

    They don't just want you to submit to them.

    That would be too easy and no fun.

    They want you to put up a fight and resist.

    Then feel the pressure of their might and give up.

    That's the only way they feel they've won.

    They want you to fight like hell and fall apart.

    Feeling hopeless.

    Then do whatever they want.

    So they feel like a god. That's what they're really thinking.

    Put up a good fight and then admit I'm supernatural.

    Sounds ridiculous, but it's happening.

    They want to feel smarter than you.

    So they don't want you to challenge them on anything.

    Or show them how smart and capable you are.

    In fact, they want you to be as big a loser as possible.

    So they can feel special.

    Like they're unique and there's no one else like them in the world.

    Certainly no one better than them.

    Like there's some quality they have no one else can copy.

    Their good looks.

    Their moneymaking skills.

    Their punctuality.

    All of the above.

    Remember this about them.

    The more insecure they're feeling right then.

    The more confident they'll pretend to be.

    And the more they'll demand from you right now.

    And most of all.

    The more they want you to tell them them they're unbeatable.

    And can't be overcome.

    That nothing will ever change.

    And they'll never lose control of anything.

    Unless they choose to.

    Can you see the pattern?

    They want the impossible.

    They want to live in a world where they can't lose and can't feel pain.

    Even if it doesn't exist.

    Because when you tell them it's real, it is.

    That's what they want you to do.

    And your pain helps make their power real to them.

    Scott Bassett

    PS And they want you to try to argue with them.

    And not know what to say so you fall apart.

    But that doesn't work when you know what words make them back off and leave you alone.

    See how to do this below.

    What words to say to make your narcissist run from you
