Thursday, June 16, 2022


I want to help you be free soon. Please? I need to get this off my mind. I think it is part of what is keeping me from living a normal life. I have no idea what to do, but am willing to do anything w. It isn't all my journey, but I am involved emotionally and in whatever other way possible. My days are spent trying to decide what to do, but I need your agreement. If I had my druthers, we would walk out of wherever and not look back. Then protect ourselves, so they could have no power over us. We could be the only ones to control our own lives. As long as there are opportunists, we need to protect ourselves. There just needs to be trusted to guide us. My dearest desire is to take care of you. First and foremost; that is what runs my life toward happiness. I am glad to do it. I love you no end, but I want you to be happy beyond anything else. It is all a means to an end. It is not a normal situation, but a safety measure in trying times. We must concur with everything to make it work. 🤝💞

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