Thursday, June 9, 2022


 It would be so wonderful to hear, "leave me a message; have a lovely evening......."


  1. I get a thrill listening to your voice and I always try to decide if you are okay. Sexy voice! Sexy everything! xxo!

  2. I forgot today was going to be Saturday! I am such a goof! Love to you!

  3. Sleepy, sleepy! Give me a sweet thought, if you will! You ALWAYS have mine!

  4. Quora Narcissist subject:
    Profile photo for Shirley
    B.S., B.A., M.F.A. in Behavioral Psychology & Literature and Creative Writing, Western Michigan University (Graduated 2009)Updated Wed
    How do narcissists feel when they see an old supply getting a good job and losing weight and looking good again even if they have a new supply?
    I know what you’re thinking: you’re hoping that they’ll see you doing well and feel hurt the way you feel hurt when you see them with new supply.

    But here’s the harsh truth: if you’re worried about how they feel and pining for revenge, you’re not doing well.

    You’re thinking like them: you have a bad feeling and you want someone else to feel it. Someone who you believe is beneath you.

    It shows the damage being with a narcissist can do: it can turn a perfectly functional adult into a vengeful toddler.

    Here’s the reality: narcissists always feel bad.

    They are always jealous.

    This is why they abuse.

    They feel their jealousy or anger or insecurity or hate and it burns inside of them, threatening their health and sanity. So they must get rid of it by giving it to someone else.

    Narcissists make you feel how they feel all the time, only to get a temporary reprieve from pain.

    The reprieve is short lived: it’s a drug high.

    And when it comes to your looks and weight: narcissists don’t care. They only care about their looks and weight.

    They don’t even care what their supply looks like. Your looks never had any value to them except in that it may help them with their mask. It may make people think they’re hot and desirable. But their supply only needs to be one thing: accepting of abuse and trauma bonded.

    I was raised by two narcissists, and I have BPD, so I attracted to them exclusively. I did *everything* to perfect my appearance for narcissists, only to be cheated on time and time again with people who weren’t attractive at all.

    The last narcissist I was entangled with cheated WITH A MAN. WITH A 300+ LB MAN.

    And this narcissist was homophobic as all hell and very attractive.

    But this man was vulnerable, and he worshipped him and was kind hearted—what sweet, sweet supply to break a person like that. He could drive him to suicide. And that would feel great—so powerful and important and better than others.

    Narcissists don’t care about looks. They don’t care about you. They care about supply. They care about regulating their shitty emotions.

    (Oh Rhett and Scarlet, the classic narcissist-histrionic match made in hell).

    If a narcissist sees you moving on and looking good and doing well, they’ll feel jealous. Momentarily. And then they’ll go take it out on their new supply. Or, if it’s obvious you still care, they’ll hoover and then take it out on you. It’ll be worse than the last time. If they can’t take it out on you, it’s just back to smearing you.

    They’ll tell themselves and anyone who will listen how crazy and horrible and abusive you were.

    It’s a game, and they are the winners. Period.

    They don’t have empathy. They don’t miss you. Block them so they can’t see you at all.

    Your self love is the superpower they’ll never have. It’s what they suck from you to survive. So don’t give it to them.

    That’s the best revenge—taking your self love back and growing stronger so that you’re immune to abuse from someone with an emotional disability who operates at the level of a toddler.

  5. God, I swear; it must be the most awful thing to live around a narcissist! You must always be on guard and feel attacked! Then the retaliation! They are vicious and relentless! I would need intense therapy after having been around them for ten minutes, much less 10 years, or more! People at their work must know about it! How horrible!

  6. My renter was supposed to help me around the house in exchange for low rent, but he barely does anything, so if I don't get it all done; it doesn't get done; it is up to me. I feel like if I hired help; I would want to start from perfect and go one with help from there to maintain a decent place. I just want to pull out a box of matches.......or get someone to tow it all away. I need to sort stuff out though. I am so upset! We ALL seem to have our cross to bear.---- I wish people like her could be taken to a psychologist and put away.....

  7. Do you feel like you have picked up any of her bad traits? Keep aware of it, so you don't become miserable like that and suffer even more. You must suffer like mad. Be well, sweetie; I am here for you. Until she kills me; I am here! Joke, or.....?
    I love you and I want to be your support!

  8. Please don't take my questions badly! I am not being insulting; I just wonder if it is kind of a thing that can wear off onto people. I just think people need to be aware. I would not be in love w/a narc. I love you and would die for you.

  9. I called to listen to your voice and something went wrong and the beep went off too soon. Ooops! But it is wonderful!

  10. I love you, so I have to take my breath away; it is lovely!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Just approve, or say nothing about whatever I turn in, please?

    1. I have a tired headache, but will resume work soon. I had some questions. Anyway, please have faith and back me. Love.

  13. I want to be there for you. I am just upset about my financial situation. I will sell things.

  14. I had planned on saving a lot of my last finances, but something went wrong. I am embarrassed and upset.

  15. I listened! Soft and sweet as usual! I am thrilled!

  16. As you, he was my hero and friend.

  17. Park was in his eighties when he told me he loved me, I had no idea what a great man he was; I only knew he was my friend.

  18. I am anxious and so worried. You deserved to be loved, not used. Why don't people leave others alone?

  19. Getting things done very soon.

  20. you understand what I am going to file, right? Both of them. R.O.s you know it needs to be done, right?

  21. I cannot stand for you to suffer.

  22. A soon as you are free, call me, okay?

  23. ask me to come with you, okay?

  24. I will remove these posts, so let me know you saw them.

  25. I will make a post asking you.

  26. and a narcissist. She and her attorney have been harming my friend for a long time with false restraining orders.

  27. Let me know if this is okay.
    Physical violence using surgical equipment. I would prefer not putting details on paper for public view. It harmed me and frightened me. I have been held falsely imprisoned. I am labor trafficked from home to work. She used an attorney to put a restraining order on my friend and even had her put in jail. The HBPD have her listed as my abuser.
    I will tell a judge and counselor of my abuse. Her attorney prevented me from freedom to tell my story. No one should have to live in fright.
    Mr. Moayeri could benefit from psychiatric evaluation and treatment. She appears to be a troubled individual and a narcissisist. She and her attorney have been harming my friend for a long time with false restraining orders.

  28. oops! Dr. Moayeri, not Mr. I am doing what I can w/limited knowledge.

  29. I am filling out forms. I am doing it for both.

  30. if there is no communication, they will need correction at the court hearig.

  31. It is going to piss them off BIG TIME!

  32. I will do the best I can with the info I have.

  33. I will remove these after you see them.

  34. If we had Tic Toc, or like that; it could be private.

  35. I am filling out the forms and basically done, except for some small things and will get them done soon. things I did not know I said I wanted to tell the judge/court to not have details public as much as possible.

    if made mistakes, just fix them in court.

  36. I feel terrible about this, but you need protection.

  37. I feel this needs to get done and filed, so no one has power over you any longer. Tell them in court to remove the illegal restraining orders from me, please?

  38. so, is it okay to do the r.o. against her?

  39. You know, I start feeling bad for doing theses things back at them, but then I stop and think how no one gave a shit how much our lives were made shitty and humiliating and no one cared, in fact, they wanted them shittier and more humiliating and they could not have cared less.

  40. I feel like have been in prison and am planning what I would like to do when I am let out.

  41. Will you say a special "HI" to me?

  42. I am kind of running on empty......

  43. Was somebody hurting you yesterday? I worry when I see nothing.

  44. I think the only way to get a free Restraining order if violence was done to you. I just want to make certain, Could you give me a 6 if both of them harmed you; it even said if they forced you into abnormal sex. I will say that you want to say it in court and not (yet, any way) on the paperwork, you can verify that you were physically and mentally harmed/threatened then. I just want to say what is true. If she is the one who physically harmed you give me a 3, if he did, a 4, or as I said , both 6.

  45. I would love to hear you tell me that you care for me as I care for you. I love you as if you are a part of me. Love forever.

  46. Have a blessed night! Sleep well, my darling one! In my heart!

  47. So, she physically harmed you alone, correct?

  48. That was with a weapon, correct? (I think I know; you tried to tell me, that last day I saw you.)

  49. I will do it for both, but not say he physically harmed you.

  50. You felt/feel intimidated? I can say it is a special situation and you feel threatened, since he works for the place you earn your living.

  51. or he threatened me....he DID put me in jail, after all! He said he was glad he did! It wasn't nice!

  52. I only care about seeing you, but you cannot live with her danger.

  53. She could not have any morals, doing this against someone she doesn't even know.....never even spoke to me!

  54. she pretended to be you and removed your rights!

  55. I want to restrain her from me using your r.o. , because it asks if anyone else needs protection. I have a police report about her I will add. You can say you saw it online.

  56. It could be a fight. They are sneaky.

  57. You will need to back me; I do not feel strong. You give me life.

  58. Remember, I am a reasonable, nice person, you come first with me.

  59. You worked hard to attain an elevated position in life; you deserve to be lauded; this is not far as I can tell; it is absurd!

  60. No one has ever been on the right side of legality in that county, pray for a change of heart! I am going to ask you to be my witness, when I file, and you ask me to be yours.

  61. I do not understand that woman's thinking; she did not seems so weird on a quick YouTube thing I saw last night, but having a professional torture me during breast biopsies, went that extra mile; hitting the crazy zone..

    1. That woman never even spoke to me; what is her gripe? If she were decent, she could tell me what upset her. But, she needs to tell the truth. She cannot just have some hack attorney who only knows how to throw restraining orders on people and use K money to buy people off.

    2. What they have done is illegal! I have done nothing wrong. Who made you say mean things about me? Is that how tou really feel about me? Did I ever frighten you? Did I ever try and harm you? I feel like I live in a nightmare! WHY? WHAT DID I DO? How did she even know about my gifts? Don't people ever do that? Is it always a big deal? What kind of place do I live in? My life is a mess. I only wanted to know you.Why have I been treated like filth?

  62. She hired her friend to interrogate me and find out how I felt about you. Then she tried to get me to get me to kill myself.....

  63. They are absolutely terrible people!


  64. False imprisonment can be either a felony or a misdemeanor, depending on whether the defendant used force or violence to unlawfully restrain another.


  65. If you can prove all the elements of false imprisonment, you may be able to recover personal injury damages.

    False Imprisonment: The Crime
    False imprisonment may also be a crime, as well as an intentional tort, depending upon the laws of a particular jurisdiction. A tort is a civil offense that results in a judgment of liability or lack thereof. Being found liable results in being obligated to pay monetary damages. A criminal offense, on the other hand, is a cause of action brought by the state in defense of the public welfare. It is punishable by fine or imprisonment.

    False imprisonment as a crime varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, but the elements are generally the same. The prosecutor must prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that all the elements of false imprisonment were met. In most cases, false imprisonment is a misdemeanor. False imprisonment becomes kidnapping if the detention is for a significant length of time or involves moving the detained party some distance from the initial point of detention.

    False Arrest
    False arrest, as stated above, is closely related to false imprisonment. False arrest is when a party is detained and held without probable cause, or without an appropriate warrant, or without a court order. Police agencies can commit false arrest, as can normal citizens.

    Determining whether probable cause or a legal basis for the detention exists is the key in false arrest cases. The difference between false arrest and false imprisonment is subtle, but important. A false arrest involves a defendant asserting that he has the backing of the law. False imprisonment is any unlawful confinement. Like false imprisonment, false arrest can also be a crime as well as a tort. Learn more about Intentional Tort Claims.


  66. If you consent to detention, without duress, you may not later claim you were falsely imprisoned. An example of this would be turning yourself in as a suspect in a crime. Even if your name is cleared and you are found not guilty, you cannot then claim false imprisonment.


    By MAYA DOLLARHIDE Updated July 27, 2022
    Reviewed by KHADIJA KHARTIT
    Fact checked by MICHAEL LOGAN
    What Is Duress?
    Duress describes the act of using force, false imprisonment, coercion, threats, or psychological pressure to compel someone to act contrary to their wishes or interests.

    Duress is also used as a form of defense to a crime by a defendant who is compelled or coerced to commit the crime because they are under serious imminent harm to themselves or others.

    Unlawful practice of economic pressure can cause duress to a person, risking them to commit involuntarily to a risky financial practice as well.

    Duress describes the act of using force, coercion, threats, or psychological pressure, among other things, to get someone to act against their wishes.
    If a person is acting under duress, they are not acting of their own free will and so may be treated accordingly in court proceedings.
    If an individual (or business) is under financial duress, they are often without good solutions to their financial woes.
    How Duress Works
    Duress occurs when a person is prevented from acting (or not acting) according to free will. Forms of duress could fall under threatened physical harm or economic duress.

    If duress is used to make a person commit a crime or do something against their will, the defendant in a criminal prosecution may raise the defense that others used duress to force them to take part in the crime.

    Example of Duress
    For example, if Bob makes unlawful threats or engages in a coercive behavior that causes his Aunt Sally to sign an agreement or execute a will against her will, then Bob is causing Aunt Sally to be "under duress."

    Financial duress describes an environment when business managers make difficult decisions under stress. These suboptimal choices are often made outside of standard operating and financial conditions. For example, to keep a business afloat, a manager may sell an asset knowing it will disrupt business in another way. In a sense, financial duress puts a business between a rock and a hard place where no good solution exists. This situation can lead to someone acting under duress to protect their finances.

    When a business begins to experience financial duress, things have a way of cascading negatively. Small disruptions begin to compound, leaving managers little choice but to make a series of weak decisions.
    Special Considerations
    Personal financial duress can be brought on in a couple of ways. For example, a person can lose their job, or end up foreclosing on their home when they are unable to pay their mortgage. A health crisis and high medical bills could wipe out a savings account. In theory, these events could lead to a person acting in an unlawful manner due to the stressfulness of the situation.

    Financial duress can be internal in nature, such as when a business borrows more than is prudent or engages in questionable merger activity. These self-inflicted wounds can permanently damage a business. Other times, duress can come about because of external forces, such as the impact on a business from a widescale economic recession.


  68. Generally, you must pay a $395.00 fee to file the Request. If the harassment has included violence or threats of violence, however, there is no filing fee pursuant to California Code of Civil Procedure section 527.6(p).

  69. I found a new method of filing out the official papers. It seems pretty good. I am telling everything. I made the file against him and tonight I will make the file against her, if I need to, but the one I already did yesterday could be enough. I need to mine for her I sometimes feel sorry for her, but I am sure she caused you some terrible times. She seemed kind of sweet on a You Tube thing, like a soft grandma, but looks can fool you. I need your life save!

  70. Please let me know that you approve of my filing the things I want to file against him and her.

  71. The movie "Spenser" is rather solemn.

  72. The rhyme has varied very little since it was first collected by James Orchard Halliwell and published in 1842 with the lyrics:

    Short version
    Solomon Grundy,
    Born on a Monday,
    Christened on Tuesday,
    Married on Wednesday,
    Took ill on Thursday,
    Grew worse on Friday,
    Died on Saturday,
    Buried on Sunday,
    That was the end,
    Of Solomon Grundy.[2][3]

    The words of a French version of the rhyme were adapted by the Dada poet Philippe Soupault in 1921 and published as an account of his own life:

    PHILIPPE SOUPAULT dans son lit / né un lundi / baptisé un mardi / marié un mercredi / malade un jeudi / agonisant un vendredi / mort un samedi / enterré un dimanche / c'est la vie de Philippe Soupault [4][5]

  73. Why would any one want to hurt you? You are such a darling.

  74. I would ask tha you speak up for me. Thanks.

  75. Okay, she should get papers too, 1, okay? because, unless you say no; it will happen. She could find another someone to harm you and restrain you again and beat you up. I suppose if they get sent in; you can always deny it, or stop it; but she will never learn to stop bullying you, if you don't stand up to her. Just go along with it, or say you changed your mind.....yes? It will say you had help filling it out because you have been help prisoner and needed assistance. Okay? 1 ! I am your hands on the outside.

  76. Also, I need to know when to have things your name. If I get no answer, I will take things into my own hands.

  77. I am under duress. I hate thinking of you being beaten up!

  78. They took you away for a LONG time! I freak out with WORRY! EVERY DAY & NIGHT! WHAT IS NEXT? THAT IS MY WORRY!

  79. May I say she used surgical equipment to torture you? 1 yes!

  80. I am going to send in the form tonight. If I wait to hear, I may wait forever and you could be tortured during that time. I will have someone serve her.

  81. Do you know how much I want to snuggle with you? A LOT!

  82. I also want to hold you in my arms for as long as you let me......
