Thursday, June 2, 2022


 Hello, my sweet one! I was just looking at some casual cotton/linen dresses that are incredible prices! I was enjoying looking, but I wanted to come and say hi to you so much more!

I checked out FB, but I got sad fast. My friend wanted me to got the info about the man who is doing a program about Nan and wants to hear what I have to say, but a friend from high school was telling about being depressed, so I felt awful for him.

A lot of people seem to be going through such hard emotional times. I want to help lift their spirits, but I am vulnerable to getting their sadness too. I am thankful that I seem to be able shake it off after a fairly short while. If you were here, I would listen to you, comfort you and find joy in your happiness. We will make certain to have as many happy, beautiful, relaxing times as possible and enjoy the world we were given. 

And always thank our guardian angel that she cares and loves so much!

I love you!  

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