Saturday, November 5, 2022


 I hope you are able to get good rest today. I hate to think you are being harmed. I can barely think of it. You give your story and you will become a well known person. I just want to hold you.



  1. If nothing else works, then RUN!

  2. You are what makes life worthwhile. I cannot enjoy it without you.

  3. I am having a hard time getting a loan. I am so discouraged. I thought I had one, but it went south. I just want to die.

  4. If I can get a chance to hold you I will be in Heaven.

  5. I have known so many people, but no one ever touched me like you. You touched me down to my soul. You are a part of me.

  6. I love you more than anything in life.

  7. I wish I could be perfect for you.

  8. I looked for loans all day and spoke with people and I am tired of it.

  9. I just need to get impossible things done.

  10. I would do anything to make you happy.

  11. each day the phone is ringing like mad in the morning after I stay up all night. I keep falling asleep at any moment.

  12. I just want to have a happy rest of my life. I want to be able to spend it with you......if you want.

  13. I went to the grocery store last night....what a treat! It was expensive.

  14. I want to take care of you so much!

  15. You need to give a true story and do well, or I will do my part and get you. Please?

  16. Hi J,
    I hope you are very well and these statements are okay.

    I am wondering how long the process will take from now and I can send my attorney
    his full retainer amount and I can get the issue off my mind. I have been agonizing
    over the loan for awhile. Getting it over successfully will be the day God smiles on
    me and I have you as my beautiful blessing to make life so much better for me and
    a for dear friend who I love with my whole heart.

    Thank you very much!
    Cheryl Petrovich
    707 412 0399

  17. Fingers crossed! This seems to be my best chance!

  18. I had the most grueling conversation with a loan guy who is nice, but he is worried that I am going to take a bad deal. He keeps saying he wants to be my friend. He thinks I am hilarious.So, I will take another offer and refi- with him; if it works out. That hideous MP kept telling me that she thought I was "so funny". She sure wasn't!!!

    I sure do love you.

  19. The only friend.....or more, I want to be, is yours.

  20. I need to write letters to satisfy the loan requirements. They manage to have some strange hoops for borrowers to jump through.....fine; whatever.....

  21. How are you doing? You have been with me in my head the entire way. I had a hard time sleeping do to odd issues with my feet. They were burning hot w/toes in pain. I just got up and started getting things done.So, I ended up sleeping later in the day. Thinking of you endlessly. It is my only true pleasure, but with added worry. Sending warm hugs and kisses.
