Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Calico Skies - Paul McCartney

......for the rest of my life....!


  1. "I'll hold you for the rest of my life......" Yes, I will!

  2. i'll love you for the rest of my life........

  3. i'll love you for the rest of my life........

  4. May I tell my "helper" that you never wanted the R.O.? I will tell him when I speak with him Friday late afternoon.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I love you beyond words. I know that you are more important to me than nearly anyone; my son might be on par, but there is an added element of passion involved. I never felt such a depth of passion for anyone prior to you; and I like how it feels with you. I do not feel worthy, but to my credit it has not been easy these last 6, or so years. My sleep has been interrupted and my worry has been increased; it has not been kind to my looks, or health. I have been somewhat indulgent in a negative way. Happiness makes me do better for myself; not negative. Please, find an opportunity and have me rescue you. That is what it would be; a rescue mission; no one should be able to fault me......even though they will, but I do not care. The longer this goes on; the more danger I feel you are in. Call me before I die, okay?

  7. All I ever think about you is; I love him.

  8. I want us to write a book and put B in it and how she was there for me and that when I said good night to her, I always said, "tell George I said good night." I felt it was only proper to have her do it for me.

  9. I would want to talk with you all of the time. You are a great person to spend time with. That is also why I would want to travel with you. I would also leave you alone when you want/needed.


  10. Haviva von Martinitz
    5:02 PM (7 minutes ago)
    to John

    I have begun crying at odd times again. Dr. Lukaszewicz lets me know when he is sad and frightened and
    it makes me worry and I feel the pressure to save him. I am worried that by not communicating with me
    that you will not help me. It has been over 6 years that I have been self reliant. Helping me, helps him. Please do not allow Mr. Guasco to have any sway with you; he is aiding and abetting Dr. Moayeri who has committed heinous crimes and has actively been attacking me the entire time. Please have your PI ask the PD do a welfare check on Dr. Lukaszewicz. I will send more money to cover it; please tell me the amount. He needs to get the PD to take him in for questioning without Guasco, or Dr. Moayeri. Dr. Lukaszewicz is thin, silver haired, handsome face, kind, intelligent demeanor, dark brown eyes, approx 6'-4-5 inches tall.
    He lives at 3 Mountain Wood Lane, Hillsborough, CA, 94040 in a large 6,000 + sq ft home. Before Mike Guasco gave me the forged R.O., Dr. Lukaszewicz called me and suddenly became frightened sounding and hung up. At that time, the PD
    listened to me, but since Guasco; they stopped. I am not a liar; I do not call the PD for no reason. From what I have gathered from Dr. Lukaszewicz and my own eyes; he is being labor trafficked. Guasco and Moayeri cannot be investigated, because Dr. Lukaszewicz's truth will be devastating to them. That means she could use drugs to harm him
    fatally. Time is of the essence!

    Please help us!

    Cheryl Petrovich

  11. A person who is convicted under an aiding and abetting theory faces the same penalties as the principal perpetrator. In a robbery case, like the example above, the aider and abettor will typically face anywhere from three to nine years in state prison, plus an additional 10 years for the gun enhancement.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Please tell me......

    Haviva von Martinitz
    12:44 PM (11 minutes ago)
    to John

    How things are going, or going to go.

    Hello John,
    I have been getting anxious and feeling terrible; please give me hope! Over 6 years of torture and living without my dear friend and being blamed for a LIE, is not FAIR! It would be one thing if they were a happy couple, but they WERE NOT! They were not married and she torments him! She terrorized him and robbed him of something no one has a right to take! She also has been having his FREEDOM taken away! That is VALUABLE to our citizens! As I may have mentioned; I was kidnapped as a 5 year old child with my friend from school. The man held us in the garage of a house for sale and beat us and taunted me with a knife. I didn't see what he did to my friend, but he told me he was going to cut me up and burn down the garage. I am lucky a real estate woman drove up and I hit him with my hip and knocked him off balance when he looked out the door. I yelled, "RUN!" to my friend and she ran down the street with me, into a house, out the back door and home. I relive this all of the time; knowing that the person I love, is being held hostage and in terror.

    From what my brother said, my father and a Sheriff took the kidnapper to the desert and killed him. It makes me feel worse knowing that. Please give me relief and tell me what is going to happen to these terrible people who are making Dr. Lukaszewicz live in agony wondering what might happen to him by those thugs who have money, but only care about money. I only care about love. Each day that goes by without any answers at all is agony. I am lucky to have you, but please, I beg you; give me some answers. Just allow/require Dr. Lukaszewicz to go to court as a protected witness, so he can have his say; his truth, his freedom.

    This is something I posted and it was copied and posted back to me, meaning; someone is experiencing it.........Dr. Lukaszewicz. No one else looks at what I post. He needs help. There is no question for me about it. I need him as my witness. Please. He could end this 6+ year of suffering for us both. My life has stopped. It is imperative. I am trusting you; please trust me.It could be the biggest story around; merely by calling a witness to testify. It is a usual move to make; no big deal, but with a bombshell result, or at least freedom for a magnificent person.

    Cheryl Petrovich

    Haviva von Martinitz
    12:54 PM (1 minute ago)
    to John

    Saturday, December 17, 2022
    To John:

    What Are the Penalties for a PC 236.1 Human Trafficking Conviction?
    A conviction for PC 236.1 human trafficking is always a felony punishable by 12 to 20 years in a California state prison and lifetime sex offender registration.

    If convicted of PC 236.1(a), depriving someone of their liberty for forced labor or services, the penalties include:

    up to 12 years in a California state prison,
    a fine up to $500,000, and
    formal felony probation
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    HavivaDecember 18, 2022 at 12:21 PM
    People have a lot to answer for; I could kill......


    HavivaDecember 18, 2022 at 12:23 PM
    My heart is sick.........and so full of love and respect and anger. I love you and so upset.


    HavivaDecember 18, 2022 at 12:27 PM
    I cannot even hope to understand; until I speak to you.....and hold you warmly forever.


  14. Please tell me......

    Haviva von Martinitz
    12:44 PM (11 minutes ago)
    to John

    How things are going, or going to go.

    Hello John,
    I have been getting anxious and feeling terrible; please give me hope! Over 6 years of torture and living without my dear friend and being blamed for a LIE, is not FAIR! It would be one thing if they were a happy couple, but they WERE NOT! They were not married and she torments him! She terrorized him and robbed him of something no one has a right to take! She also has been having his FREEDOM taken away! That is VALUABLE to our citizens! As I may have mentioned; I was kidnapped as a 5 year old child with my friend from school. The man held us in the garage of a house for sale and beat us and taunted me with a knife. I didn't see what he did to my friend, but he told me he was going to cut me up and burn down the garage. I am lucky a real estate woman drove up and I hit him with my hip and knocked him off balance when he looked out the door. I yelled, "RUN!" to my friend and she ran down the street with me, into a house, out the back door and home. I relive this all of the time; knowing that the person I love, is being held hostage and in terror.

    From what my brother said, my father and a Sheriff took the kidnapper to the desert and killed him. It makes me feel worse knowing that. Please give me relief and tell me what is going to happen to these terrible people who are making Dr. Lukaszewicz live in agony wondering what might happen to him by those thugs who have money, but only care about money. I only care about love. Each day that goes by without any answers at all is agony. I am lucky to have you, but please, I beg you; give me some answers. Just allow/require Dr. Lukaszewicz to go to court as a protected witness, so he can have his say; his truth, his freedom.

    This is something I posted and it was copied and posted back to me, meaning; someone is experiencing it.........Dr. Lukaszewicz. No one else looks at what I post. He needs help. There is no question for me about it. I need him as my witness. Please. He could end this 6+ year of suffering for us both. My life has stopped. It is imperative. I am trusting you; please trust me.It could be the biggest story around; merely by calling a witness to testify. It is a usual move to make; no big deal, but with a bombshell result, or at least freedom for a magnificent person.

    Cheryl Petrovich

    Haviva von Martinitz
    12:54 PM (1 minute ago)
    to John

    Saturday, December 17, 2022
    To John:

    What Are the Penalties for a PC 236.1 Human Trafficking Conviction?
    A conviction for PC 236.1 human trafficking is always a felony punishable by 12 to 20 years in a California state prison and lifetime sex offender registration.

    If convicted of PC 236.1(a), depriving someone of their liberty for forced labor or services, the penalties include:

    up to 12 years in a California state prison,
    a fine up to $500,000, and
    formal felony probation
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    HavivaDecember 18, 2022 at 12:21 PM
    People have a lot to answer for; I could kill......


    HavivaDecember 18, 2022 at 12:23 PM
    My heart is sick.........and so full of love and respect and anger. I love you and so upset.


    HavivaDecember 18, 2022 at 12:27 PM
    I cannot even hope to understand; until I speak to you.....and hold you warmly forever.

