Sunday, November 27, 2022





  1. You are a strong, beautiful individual who needs to be his own person, not a manipulated, threatened, extension of someone else; it is what makes you as great as you are!

  2. will you

    Haviva von Martinitz
    9:59 PM (3 minutes ago)
    to J.

    Dear J,

    You have been there for me when I needed it and I am so very grateful. I know you have been to court for me when it was desperately needed. Now, I desperately need to free my main witness and make sure he is safe. If you will please send him a subpoena to come to court. He needs a bodyguard and cannot be connected to Michael C. Guasco as being his attorney. I think he may no longer be known as his attorney and never really was since he was never hired, but forced upon Dr. Lukaszewicz because of his being hired by Kaiser as a contract attorney. It has ALL been very ILLEGAL, which would go along with being a labor trafficked person. Dr. Lukaszewicz desperately wants to get away from his cruel captors.If you P.I. can figure out a way to free him, please do; you have permission to free him.

    If they kill him; I won't be able to live. Please!

    As you saw in my email, I want my loan officer to pay you along with the first to be paid like liens. Hopefully, it will be soon. Mike Guasco seems to have a nose for these things. If he approaches you to bribe, or threaten; tell the police. He has controlled each attorney I had who was supposed to be mine. He is a criminal, or as Attorney Hogan said, "he is very, very bad, stay away from him!" I tried to say that in court and Judge Novak said I could not say it, but I did anyway, and she asked the court reporter to have it removed from the record. I imagine there are little to no court reporting records, either, or at least substantially changed. Judge Novak treated me like the enemy; no "blind justice" there! It was ALL figured out against me from the start. I never had a chance. I figure getting Dr. Lukaszewicz freed to testify is about all there is. Please, if you know special ops who can free him, I will gather the money to pay. He cannot stay as he is; his life will be worth ZERO!

    Bless you!
    Cheryl P.

  3. We both need to keep courage and stay safe. You are loved
