Thursday, October 8, 2020


 I like that on Twitter, I can direct message Cory Booker and Al Franken. (Not sure who else, but they are wonderful people.) I have Gavin Newsom on LinkedIn and a few others, but he is the big name. Yes, it is name dropping, but, oh well. I used to have Roseanne Barr, but she went bizarre with her Trump backing. I just wrote to her and asked if she is still nuts. (She had a show called "Roseanne's Nuts") A play on words in a vague way. I cannot believe someone told Christina Applegate they hope her breast Cancer comes back! Who would be that vile? Obviously, I could not leave that one alone! It is the Trump era of cowardly, cruel attacks! I launch a few zingers at Right Wing liars on occasion. They deserve it! They are such liars and back that murderer! I told Trump he should just go hide in his bunker, until he loses and they can cart him straight off to prison! He probably has a quota of American deaths, so Putin will give him a slight discount off the massive money he owes. Money brings out the worst in some people. It is a shame, since so many good things can be done with it to help people.

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