Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Serious Words from a HS Friend


Hello my good and faithful friends, it is me again after 20 days in Covid prison where I was in isolation from the rest of world, I am once again a free man!
After being released from the hospital the first time, I was only home 2 days before I suddenly fell ill. I was hit at the same time with Double Pneumonia and Covid-19...this time I went temporarily blind, my speech was slurred and pain in my hips and joints to the point that I couldn't get up or down from a chair.
I can now get up from the chair and move about ( although I still need my walker) and my eyesight is back and my speech is also back to normal...the Covid did do some damage to my lungs so I am on oxygen for the time being.
I'm gonna tell you again that Covid is not a joke nor a liberal hoax, it is a vicious disease that can ruin your life in a remarkably short period of time...Please take this seriously, think of other people (and not yourself) when you go outdoors and into public. WEAR A MASK all times outdoors. There is no excuse for not wearing a mask, do the right thing for all of us. I want to thank all of you who sent me prayers, good wishes and thoughts...It is good be alive and well once again

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