Saturday, September 19, 2020

Moonlight Stardust and You


Moonlight, Stardust and You~

I may never have the chance to hold
your face in my hands
your sadness in my arms
your joy in my life

I love you so much I could die
The pain hurts too much to live
I am no longer part of existence
Death is the only escape

Loving you was the breath to nourish
my soul
the light to find my way
the home I never had

You are gone and I cannot
reconcile it in my mind
grasp it in my devotion
bargain for it with God

You fused with me on a
spiritual plane
Talking was not essential
Conversations went on
for hours...they do still...
in mute solitude.

Somewhere exists,
a haven of love
I yet cannot see
until soaring back to the celestial
beginning....where I will again behold you
in the silvery streaming moonlight,
just there,
under flickering stars...
and in the warm joy of my embrace.


(c) HVM 2018

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