Tuesday, October 22, 2019

I have been left in the dark over this situation and that is not normal for anyone. I think I have been pretty reasonable in the face of the unreasonableness that has been given to me. Most people would not be able to deal with it this long. It has not been nice, legal, or fair.
Had I not been financially compromised at this time, which is what my attackers counted upon, plus blocking my ability to find legal help, it has been closer to terrorism than anything. This should never taken place in a country that touts freedom and civil rights, it has been a field day of abuse, of which I believe I was never to have survived. It has been a sadistic game wherein my opponents held all the cards. It has been horrific. Shooting me dead would have been more humane than this awful treatment. Torture of innocent people, is not in our Constitution. This was tantamount to spitting on our basic rights and it needs to never happen again. It is a serious situation and of great concern.
Thank you.

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