Sunday, February 5, 2023


 It is raining pretty consistently. I hope there won't be any major rock slides; this place can get awfully wild.

I was thinking rental car, but should be more frugal. I may do the taxi thing, but as long as someone is there on time; that is 👍 good. Life changing. I need to print up papers.

No one seems to care if I live, or die


  1. You are always my motivation. No pressure, but you lift me up.

  2. I just need to have enough motivation to get things done and not get discouraged. You are amazing inspiration. I don't know how you do it, but I am glad you do. Your strength is enough to power a city. I will be there for you too. I get lost in your beauty and sweet kindness.

  3. We should always be there for each other. I want to do that for you and any of your loved ones. I have a big heart with love for you and yours.

  4. Taxi, or other mode. They may honk. Just one honk. Tell me if you need me to come sooner.

  5. Give me a 13, if you want me (someone) out there the day before.
