Saturday, February 25, 2023

Fascinating articles;_ylu=Y29sbwNncTEEcG9zAzEEdnRpZAMEc2VjA3Ny/RV=2/RE=1677391269/RO=10/


  1. They have some cheap old houses for sale. They could be nice.

  2. I am genuinely worried about my chances at a refi. I have good loan to value, but the car place messed me up wth my credit. I paid it off okay, but they said it was late, but that was the whoIe thing I was looking into. They said I owed them late pmts, but they owed me for a repair plan I bought, but they said my care could not have because I had too many miles on my car. They never repaid me. Toyota/Lexus is a rip off company. Yet they ruined my credit.

  3. I may have to get another unconventional loan. Crap.

  4. All I want to do all day is think about you and live a quiet life. I was thinking I could figure out how to make some crafts and make money that way. I will think of something. No worry for now.

  5. I may write books and get them published.

  6. In have not gotten enough sleep these last few years. I just have not been taken enough care of myself. I feel like I need rescue pampering, but I need to do some rescuing of my dearest one.

  7. I have been harmed. So have you. We need to be proactive!

  8. No matter what we must fend together and take care of each other.

  9. Figure out how I can get you. You are smart

  10. I want to trust you, like I trust myself. I already love you that way. Even more than myself. I trust you with my life. That means everything to me.

  11. I do want to sue her, but you would be best at it

  12. I would be thrilled to live with you in an old house, or anywhere.

  13. Please come to the court. 8th 1:30 come and be truthful . SSF court take a cab and charge me. It is on Mission.

  14. I will say what l can about your situation.

  15. If I am wrong about what I say about you; I am sorry, but I am being as honest as I can, but I wish you could be there. Pretend you will betray me, but then don't. I want to help you be free.

  16. If I am wrong about what I say about you; I am sorry, but I am being as honest as I can, but I wish you could be there. Pretend you will betray me, but then don't. I want to help you be free.

  17. My attorney just called. He may continue the hearing.

  18. I swear, I may get desperate. I am not ageless. I may only get to see you for 2 min, then I die.

  19. I am so desperate to see you again.

  20. You are my idea of the face of Heaven. I hope I deserve it. Love floods my heart.

  21. I am worried about what those evil people have on their mind for you.

  22. Please, try and get free. I will help any way possible. Just call me when you can. Let's figure it out. It is imperative. Yes, I am frightened, but your life is more important than my safety.

  23. You need to be on my side, though. I cannot do it alone.

  24. I truly want to do what you want to do. Your happiness is paramount.

  25. I miss you so much I want to cry. I wish we would give it a try to escape.

  26. I want you to be in my life at all times.

  27. You are so elegant. I admire that about you.

  28. Sometimes I get so sad over you that I cannot find a bright spot no matter how hard I try.Will I ever see you again?

  29. I love you forever. Let me prove it to you.

  30. If you have any doubts that is your right of course.¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨jmn

  31. I wish I could speak with you.

  32. I will continue to try and free you. Guess no one cares. Money talks.......

  33. I so much want to speak with you.

  34. Let's break free from those people!


  35. Search
    My reasonable demands

    Haviva von Martinitz
    to John
    0 minutes agoDetails
    Dear Mr. Campion,

    The next time I hear from you; I want to hear that you have sent a subpoena

    to Dr. Lukaszewicz , or have set up with Dr. Lukaszewicz and the judge that we

    will have our own conference (s) set up to figure things out. 7 years has been

    a long time for friends to be alienated. I want to make amends, if necessary,

    which should just be a technicality, since we agreed to be friends the last time

    we spoke. 7 years is longer than any AMA recommended time apart for a

    doctor and patient to become friends. We just need to get rid of the

    technicality of the restraining order. It is not wanted by Dr. Lukaszewicz, or

    myself! Please see to it that the judge understands this by our next court

    hearing. This is totally a waste of time, money and energy. Thank you!


    Cheryl Petrovich
