Tuesday, February 21, 2023


 I am deciding who I am going to sue first. I have my own trial in March down there. I am trying to get my attorney to send a subpoena down there to my friend, but he won't answer me about it. I even said to him that he wouldn't want me to tell the judge he won't do it, would he? I am also going to send a subpoena to her and I am sure it would blow her mind, since I doubt she thinks she is down to the level of the common man and should deserve being called to court. She needs to know that she is not going to always be protected from her crimes. And he does not decide that he can do what he wants to anyone he wants as he has done to me. People need integrity. They cannot just buy everyone off. Where would out our system of justice be?

I have a few other ideas that I will implement. You need freedom. If you can, you should reason with her before I drop the bombs. Tell her that you heard something is going to happen and you will give her the chance to drop it all and she can go away without a care, but only if she does it now.

She cannot keep going on this way, she will spend the rest of her life in prison, or a mental institution. I will not give this up.

I do this because we are in it together and because it is a matter of Justice. I love you, but that is not what that drives me entirely. It makes me go on, but I am not basing it all on that. You need freedom because you are like any human being with a need for autonomy and deserve it. They both could go to prison for up to 20 years. They deserve it.

They can be filed. Do you want that? I will do it.

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