Saturday, September 24, 2022


 I ran out early (for me) to get another Covid booster. I only had to sit in the car and my renter drove by and I got the shot and so did he. We are all boosted up!

You know, I have become somewhat more fragile. It felt so odd to be out. I never go anywhere. They were giving the boosters at the Fire Dept it was so painless! In the same little "enclave" is an adorable little Catholic Church; I already forgot the name, but I think it was St. Mary by the Sea and it an adorable view of the ocean, with trees framing it. Pretty place to go meditate, I think anyway. I have gone hardly anywhere in my own town! 

I would love to go to a scenic place like that with you and just enjoy being together.  That is all that matters to me  


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