Tuesday, September 13, 2022


 to keep the police, or anyone from listening to me. Mr Guasco seems to have some kind of favorable position in San Mateo Superior Court, since my evidence is ignored and judges yell at me. Guasco said I gave Dr. Lukaszewicz gifts he didn't want and annoyed him, but that is strange since Dr. Lukaszewicz kept my gifts of gratitude, called me and wrote me friendly emails to thank me. My gifts did not bother Dr. Lukaszewicz, but they DID bother Dr. Moayeri; his captor. They used my gifts as a reason for a TRO, but it made no sense because of the thank you emails from Dr. Lukaszewicz and also the last gift I gave him was nearly a year prior to Dr. Lukaszewicz coming to my gallbladder surgery to keep me safe. How would a year, or more later constitute a reason for a restraining order and one that was FORGED? Mr. Guasco has harassed me with absurd reasons and no reason to keep me restrained. Mike Guasco has kept me restrained for 7 years and made up contempt charges. I went to JAIL! Now, he made up another few charges, so I could end up going to jail for a longer time! Mike guasco thinks I could have breast cancer and wants me to die, so he can have the money I left in my will for Dr. Lukaszewicz. Guasco stole my court file with my will and Powers of Attorney for Dr. Lukaszewicz in it and he won't give it back. I believe that he and Dr. Moayeri want what I have and what Dr. Lukaszewicz has. His home has become a valuable commodity and those captors want it! They are trying to make me a scapegoat and want me to die, which is why he yells in my face and has others to it and for all the turmoil he wreaks upon my life. I have an MS BRAIN LESION THAT COULD KILL ME and GUASCO AND HIS ACCOMPLICE DR. MOAYERI KNOW IT! That is why they make life very difficult for me and Dr. Lukaszewicz, since they know how I feel about him and that I would do anything for him! I am so abused; by Guasco and Moayeri it is OUTRAGEOUS! Please rescue Dr. Lukaszewicz; he is very sensitive and could harm himself! I think the scar on his wrist may be from Dr. Moayeri, or Dr. Lukaszweicz's depression. He is so kind and sweet, but they have taken away his independence and free will. He toes their line out of fear.

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