Monday, November 8, 2021


I truly do not understand this thing; do you?

What do they want from me and why is she trying to kill me? Is it for my inheritance? Would they steal it from you? 

She doesn't love you does she? She treats you badly, so.....

I will take her to small claims court and you as my witness.


  1. I will have you as my defendant, so you can tell the truth and get freedom from a judge. Please!
    My love to you!

  2. Where are you dear love of my life?

  3. I want to hold you and love you forever.

  4. I thought having you tell the truth of how it has been for you and who has been doing it will get you out of their clutches and freedom for yourself. We will both request mediation, if that is agreeable with you; even though I will start off with with a $5 thousand demand, since that is how sm clms operates; with a monetary demand.
