Wednesday, November 24, 2021


 I gave my doggie a bath today. It was a nice warm plastic tub of water with lovely lavender soapy water. When I was rinsing her, the water came out cool and OMG, she screamed like I was murdering her! I had been planning on clipping her toenails, but my nerves would not take it. I just bundled her up in blankets and put her on the old futon. Now, I am watching a YouTube video of a man grooming a doggie who is way overgrown and matted. He put a lampshade over her head (bite preventer) but she is a really well behaved baby. My dog would be in a frenzy by now, especially around the feet. I think my sweetie has gotten a bit senile, since she always heads to the neighbor's front door when she is coming back after she does her business. I am in awe! The man is clipping the dog's toenails with no dog screaming to holy Hell.

How Nice! Now they gave the dog a dog biscuit. They seem to be such nice people, taking care of a stray dog.

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