Friday, November 26, 2021


 My electric screwdriver got here early, so the sink will be worked on this weekend. I just want to make certain that taking off the garbage disposal (that never worked) will not cause any big disaster when I remove/attempt to remove it. It doesn't seem like it should. I was looking at new garbage disposals on Amazon and it seems like there is quite a difference between small changes in motor capacity and price. At least by taking off the old one, I can figure out how to put the new on the new one. I try and sound all butch, but who knows if I can do it. I was hoping my son would offer again, but now he is busy, so I lost out on the opportunity. Washing dishes in a plastic bin is okay, but rinsing them is a beast, so they pile up. I just got some sand paper, so I am going to paint some of the floor the needs to be done, since I had all the carpet ripped up throughout the house. It was weird shag carpet and I did not want to deal with it later, since I would have to take it to the land fill. The guy who is the only one who works on carpeting around here was all annoyed with me because of something I don't remember now, but he said something to me about, "I thought you were my friend....." and it didn't make sense and the real estate woman said he was the town drunk and didn't make sense most of the time.....whatever, so I cannot ask him to do anything carpeting-wise and "you know who " has blacklisted me in the town and HOA, but hopefully that has died down by now, but I don't know.

I keep looking for an old beater truck, so that I can haul stuff to a storage around here, or maybe the dump.

I guess I have been in a weird zone and just let everything defeat me, but hopefully am getting out of it now. I want to have my house in good shape for a loan, or to sell it, or whatever, but want it decent again. It was nice for awhile, but after closing the 2 massive storage units in Millbrae, it went back to clutter and no room in the garage. That is how I was lured to park my Range Rover in the parking lot and then they made me move it out, then they (Bill, the Pres. of the HOA) called the CHP and had them tow my cars away (by saying they were abandoned, they knew they were not....) and I could not afford to get them out in I lost the things inside them too. It was a really rough time at the beginning, because they were jumping on me for everything and charging me for stupid things and losing my payments, money orders.....etc. Oh, it was awful. I stay to myself. The jerk gardner stole my cement foo dog from by my front door (it was my great aunt's from way back when I was a child, I remember it). I hate him. Also, he thinks my renter is gay, so he called him, "whatever you are!" He is such an asshole. Weird how the people who do wrong are the ones who say and do bad things about/to other people. I was told the guy is not looking very well. I don't want to see him, because I know I would feel sorry for him. I don't want to.

I know that when I find out what "she" etc, have been doing to you; I am going to want to murder them. I could forgive what has been done to me, but not to you. I could never have screamed at the police officer, except I wanted them to check on you and he would not have them do it. He said he was going to have the DA come after me for sending her a demand letter. I told him it was within my rights. So, when the company I get to help with the SC Ct. stuff sends one to you, don't freak, but maybe act annoyed at me to throw her off guard.....but when we see each other, let's come clean with the judge....then we can free you.

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