Tuesday, November 30, 2021


You are missed. Keep your spirits up. 

You mean so very much to me.


 Have a good day. 

You are a beautiful person.

Sunday, November 28, 2021


 I hope your day was nice.  

You were a part of mine all through the day.

Thank you for that!

Saturday, November 27, 2021


 I made a few deviled eggs with some lox on top. They are pretty good. I also like to put a bit of caviar, or add some capers to the lox. So, with my homemade eggnog, I am egged out now. 🥚🐔


 This is one of the incredible places they showed on the hotel program I watch. https://thebrando.com/     amazing! It is too expensive and problimatic getting there, it seems, but it is lovely to see.


 The sweet things do get me motivated, and feel nice, though. I just get overwhelmed by the enormity. 


 I have so much to do, I don't even know where to start. 😕

Too often, I just don't. 

I need to get motivated.

Find square one......


 I was watching the "World's Most Amazing Hotels" and there was a man working at one hotel and he was so proud of his job that he barely took time to sleep. He was able to care for his parents and extended family because of it. He made me feel so teary from his dignity. Those hotels are way out of range for most people, but the programs are educational and help us understand the ways of people around the world. I have also seen some incredibly environmentally compatible places that make me feel good about the efforts some people make. There is still a lot of beauty out there. We hear too much bad from news at times. It is good to be uplifted.

Hugs to you. 


 My doggie was so fussy during the night, I had to leave the light on, so she would stay relaxed, but it made me stay awake, or partially awake. It was tiring. She is still asleep. I am so glad...... :-)

How are you?


 I am watching a show where the hosts are in Sweden and they are staying in an ice hotel. I merely visited an ice house in Chamonix. It was interesting, but I would not want to spend any significant time there. 

I do enjoy being cozy and warm.


(I would only want to be snuggly with one person......)  😉

Friday, November 26, 2021


 My electric screwdriver got here early, so the sink will be worked on this weekend. I just want to make certain that taking off the garbage disposal (that never worked) will not cause any big disaster when I remove/attempt to remove it. It doesn't seem like it should. I was looking at new garbage disposals on Amazon and it seems like there is quite a difference between small changes in motor capacity and price. At least by taking off the old one, I can figure out how to put the new on the new one. I try and sound all butch, but who knows if I can do it. I was hoping my son would offer again, but now he is busy, so I lost out on the opportunity. Washing dishes in a plastic bin is okay, but rinsing them is a beast, so they pile up. I just got some sand paper, so I am going to paint some of the floor the needs to be done, since I had all the carpet ripped up throughout the house. It was weird shag carpet and I did not want to deal with it later, since I would have to take it to the land fill. The guy who is the only one who works on carpeting around here was all annoyed with me because of something I don't remember now, but he said something to me about, "I thought you were my friend....." and it didn't make sense and the real estate woman said he was the town drunk and didn't make sense most of the time.....whatever, so I cannot ask him to do anything carpeting-wise and "you know who " has blacklisted me in the town and HOA, but hopefully that has died down by now, but I don't know.

I keep looking for an old beater truck, so that I can haul stuff to a storage around here, or maybe the dump.

I guess I have been in a weird zone and just let everything defeat me, but hopefully am getting out of it now. I want to have my house in good shape for a loan, or to sell it, or whatever, but want it decent again. It was nice for awhile, but after closing the 2 massive storage units in Millbrae, it went back to clutter and no room in the garage. That is how I was lured to park my Range Rover in the parking lot and then they made me move it out, then they (Bill, the Pres. of the HOA) called the CHP and had them tow my cars away (by saying they were abandoned, they knew they were not....) and I could not afford to get them out in time......so I lost the things inside them too. It was a really rough time at the beginning, because they were jumping on me for everything and charging me for stupid things and losing my payments, money orders.....etc. Oh, it was awful. I stay to myself. The jerk gardner stole my cement foo dog from by my front door (it was my great aunt's from way back when I was a child, I remember it). I hate him. Also, he thinks my renter is gay, so he called him, "whatever you are!" He is such an asshole. Weird how the people who do wrong are the ones who say and do bad things about/to other people. I was told the guy is not looking very well. I don't want to see him, because I know I would feel sorry for him. I don't want to.

I know that when I find out what "she" etc, have been doing to you; I am going to want to murder them. I could forgive what has been done to me, but not to you. I could never have screamed at the police officer, except I wanted them to check on you and he would not have them do it. He said he was going to have the DA come after me for sending her a demand letter. I told him it was within my rights. So, when the company I get to help with the SC Ct. stuff sends one to you, don't freak, but maybe act annoyed at me to throw her off guard.....but when we see each other, let's come clean with the judge....then we can free you.


 There is a new variant Omicron. Please be very careful. (I know you would.) 


 I hope you are doing well. 

I really want to understand what she wants from you. I mean, it isn't my business, but it is weird. If you don't love someone, then you should be glad to be apart from them, not want to hold them, unless you want them for what they have; that is all I can figure, but they should know that is horribly wrong. I have written so much to that PD and even to the City Hall, with nothing in response. I cannot imagine what they have been told in advance. I will try a US mail letter instead of email. Maybe email is taken too lightly. Of course, I don't have any gravitas, since I have been smeared. Still, I would think it would pique their curiosity and use it as an excuse to investigate. You would not believe how many times that man has had the local authorities knocking on my door grumbling at me for one thing, or another. They sometimes call first, but if I don't answer, they have to drive a long cruel drive from Ukiah. They always look exasperated when they get here and stare at the porch roof and act like they want to be anywhere else.  This is such a crazy thing. I am certainly not going to drop it, because I do not want you to fall between the cracks and into obscurity. So, the SC Ct. to come with you first and you tell what you want. I will tell what she had done to me. Is your work open today? Take care! In my thoughts and heart.


 If you back me and tell the powers that be that you don't want me bound; I will tell anyone off and what I think of them and how they have been treating you.  I will tell the PD whatever you want me to say and protect you forever. I am here for you. What good is anything without the lovely people around?

We obviously need to stick together.


 I am able to be really honest with my feelings with this. I would not say these things unless I heard it first. I am really very shy. But, I will be bold with my help.

Thursday, November 25, 2021


Nothing will take away my love. 


"My knight without the armor", my heart would proudly say
He took away the pain I felt and cast it far away
The miracles he worked were not the usual kind
He cured the body and the heart, especially my mind

His independent spirit threatened traditional conformity
Establishment who want lines toed made straits of real enormity
"How dare you buck our system", they grilled with open fire
"We'll make you turn her in to us and say she is a liar"

Her mind was gagged her hands were tied, her life was in a truss
She went to jail and got no bail and told her not to fuss
A kindly cancer widow who suffered with MS
She had to leave her clothes with them and change her mode of dress

They only called her prisoner as if she were a whore
She had a cell of brick and glass and blood down on the floor
It felt like in a movie or some outlandish game
I know my life has lost a part and will never be the same

They want me to feel hate for him, my knight without the glow
Their rigid rules make them the fools and they will never know
The love they try and conquer will never fail, or falter
I'll never be their sacrifice of love or die upon their alter.

(c) HVM 2017

Wednesday, November 24, 2021


 I gave my doggie a bath today. It was a nice warm plastic tub of water with lovely lavender soapy water. When I was rinsing her, the water came out cool and OMG, she screamed like I was murdering her! I had been planning on clipping her toenails, but my nerves would not take it. I just bundled her up in blankets and put her on the old futon. Now, I am watching a YouTube video of a man grooming a doggie who is way overgrown and matted. He put a lampshade over her head (bite preventer) but she is a really well behaved baby. My dog would be in a frenzy by now, especially around the feet. I think my sweetie has gotten a bit senile, since she always heads to the neighbor's front door when she is coming back after she does her business. I am in awe! The man is clipping the dog's toenails with no dog screaming to holy Hell.

How Nice! Now they gave the dog a dog biscuit. They seem to be such nice people, taking care of a stray dog.

Tuesday, November 23, 2021


 I wish I knew more, but in some ways, I wish I knew less. I know that it could very likely be that I am just a no one, but who wants to be helpful to a very special person to me. If we get you out of this  (we will) it of course will be for the help alone; no strings what-so-ever. I do wish to be thought of as a friend, if not more, because if there is no one else to love, or take care of you I would be honored to do it. I don't want you to be left vulnerable again and you mean so much to me. I do not understand why people are abusive. You are too wonderful and accomplished for anyone to bully you. 

I think people take advantage of your kindness.


 I truly do not understand when people think they can just trap and rule the lives of others. It doesn't make sense. There would be so many variables, so many openings and possible ways to get caught. Is that not a concern? It is so strange.


 I am tired of mean people thinking they are normal.


 I truly appreciate the thoughtfulness and kindness. It is my strength.


 I knew even when I only first met you, that you were someone never to be forgotten, because you are someone of quality and caring. 

I have stayed up thinking and I keep falling asleep. I will rest now with thoughts of you keeping me company.



I hope you are well. It is always my sincerest wish. 

I love your sweetness. 

Monday, November 22, 2021


 Cooking one of the turkeys in the BBQ, but noticed that the BBQ is rusting around the flame areas.  It seems that they are probably easily replaceable, if the parts are easily found. 


 I just bought an electric screwdriver.  

I still have not gotten the sink fixed yet. It is shameful. I have no idea how to do it myself and my renter avoids the subject. I guess I will just have to get in there and work on it and wait for help. There is much to do.  

It would have been better if the real estate woman had not left me in  a mess with broken appliances. I had been expecting working and nice, especially since I paid the top asking price. Ugh!

I must count my blessings and keep moving forward. It is all we can do in life, right?  I also have a lovely person to think about with nice memories and looking forward to helping soon!


 Will you be working all week minus Thurs and Friday?


 Hi cutie! How has your day been so far? I have been trying to give my doggie a fur cut. It is only a midpoint, and we are both tired, so rest time.


 I sent some nuts to my mother for Thanksgiving. I was thinking I might go to see her, but my license still isn't back to snuff. I kept thinking I would get it back to normal, but time flies by. Do you keep up w/yours? (All of them?) Anyway, haven't heard what my son and his lady are doing for TG, but she has a big lively family, so no doubt that will be on their agenda. My renter brought home 2 big turkeys, since Safeway has special deals. He shops and goes to the Post Office and usually takes out the dog; falling last time was enough. I am a lump. I lost my mojo.

Sending you love.


 I don't really want the legal crap, I just want people to behave decently.


 You make me feel so nice!


Sunday, November 21, 2021


 I am proud of you. 

It's not my right, but I am. 

Saturday, November 20, 2021


I am eating left-over Spaghetti Alfredo. I put some fresh tomato in with it.  I put lots of minced garlic in it. It is good with red wine. :-)


 Knowing you were still okay is what kept me going.

Coldplay - A Sky Full Of Stars (Official Video)

Coldplay - The Scientist (Official Video)

The Scientist
Song by Coldplay
Other recordingsArtistsAnalysis

Paul McCartney - Calico Skies **My Song For You

Calico Skies
Song by Paul McCartney

Paul McCartney 'Mull Of Kintyre [Pure McCartney VR]' I love bag pipes

Billy Joel - Honesty (Official Video)


Tuesday, November 16, 2021


 I am very relieved! The seagull is gone! I was worried about it.


 Have a very lovely day! You are always in my heart and in my mind!

I love you with no end.


Thursday, November 11, 2021


 60 Love Quotes And Sayings For Him | Be yourself quotes, Inspirational  quotes, Love quotes

I would have been happy to just talk to you whenever I could, but I know it would have been hard to find a time to end the visit. It certainly would have been a lot better than nothing at all, though.

Tuesday, November 9, 2021


 Have a nice evening. You are in my thoughts.


 Shouldn't someone who really loves you, be able to see you at least sometimes?

You heal me and lift me.


The Beatles - In My Life (Music Video) In my life I love you more.....


 Lost power for over an hour.

Thankfully it wasn't for a week like it was another time.

Paul McCartney came on TV spontaneously, when it came back. 

Nice way to celebrate!

Only thing better would be to have you here too!


  You are the love I have been blessed to find in my life. My heart is filled and my soul is delighted.

Monday, November 8, 2021


 I pray that the next time you are asked, you will say you never wanted any of the bad stuff. Please? I would never say anything bad about you. Never.


 Would she ever mediate?


I truly do not understand this thing; do you?

What do they want from me and why is she trying to kill me? Is it for my inheritance? Would they steal it from you? 

She doesn't love you does she? She treats you badly, so.....

I will take her to small claims court and you as my witness.


 I awoke from and to a lovely set of dream circumstances; one of which I was able to speak with you in person, the other was the sweet sound of my little doggie's gentle snoring and the other was that I had a job of (successfully) advocating for free healthcare for very ill people. 

I could never live with myself for being like some people, who frame people to get TROs in order to kick them off their healthcare so as to save the company money. That is the Devil's work. Disgusting!


 Please do everything you can to help me free you.

Sunday, November 7, 2021


 I cannot understand why anyone would think they have a right to hold anyone hostage. That IS what is happening, correct?  I just want to make certain I am making the right accusation.

I can understand the gut level feeling of wanting to hold you for one's own, but the wrongness of it surpasses it. Wanting your happiness should be everything. Seeing you sad would be too heartbreaking to take.

Talk her out of it. It hurts too much, even here.


 Life is terrible and lonely.


 How I adore looking at your picture!

It has helped me get by.


 I want to snuggly snuggle with you.


 I miss you.

So much.

Saturday, November 6, 2021


 I want to take care of you, love you and make certain you have whatever you want to make you happy. 

Help me free you.

If you support me against them; I will dedicate my life to you.

I love you now and forever.


 Hope you are okay.


 California penalties for filing a false restraining order

An individual that knowingly or willfully attempts to file a false or fraudulent restraining order is guilty of a felony upon conviction and is punishable by a fine of up to $5,000 or up to five years of imprisonment, or both.Feb 5, 2021


 Certain things make me worried and or sad. 

I am never complacent, though.

Never be satisfied with the status quo.


 Be well and blessed. 

Friday, November 5, 2021


 You still make me hyperventilate.


 Has she always had you under close watch; have you ever lived freely?? 

Do you like knowing that someone genuinely loves you and would give her life for you?

I would come wherever/whenever you want me to come and free you. I would risk jail, or armed guard fire. 

Really, life has been not worthwhile. Worrying gets to me.

I never have been so anxious.

I have loved you and worried about you forever.

I would send a limo to get you when you want. You can take off and I could come get you from where you land. Go to a hotel and I will get it and then come get you. We need to talk. Please? I am falling apart. I need anti-anxiety meds. I hate that kind of thing.


 Even when I get the slightest idea that you are sending me nice wishes I float to Heaven. 


 Let me know the truth, so that I can help you if you are in trouble. 

I don't want to lose contact, please.

Do you want me to rescue you at some point?

It would be my dearest wish.


 Everything was done to us with the confidence that they would never be found out. I will work hard to change that.



Nobody Home: Writing, Buddhism, and Liv…



Electric communication will never be a substitute for the face of someone who with their soul encourages another person to be brave and true. - Charles DickensElectric communication will never be a substitute for the face of someone who with their soul encourages another person to be brave and true. - Charles DickensElectric communication will never be a substitute for the face of someone who with their soul encourages another person to be brave and true. - Charles Dickens


 I cannot live knowing you are always at risk. 

It is like swimming in a shark tank and trusting they will not bite.


 Charles Dickens quote: Have a heart that never hardens, and a temper that never tires, and...


 “In spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart. I simply can’t build up my hopes on a foundation consisting of confusion, misery, and death. I see the world gradually being turned into a wilderness, I hear the ever approaching thunder, which will destroy us too, I can feel the sufferings of millions and yet, if I look up into the heavens, I think that it will all come right, that this cruelty too will end, and that peace and tranquility will return again.”

― Anne Frank, The Diary of a Young Girl

Please help me make that happen. I need to know you are okay. Otherwise I will fall apart. I know I cannot live without you in the world.

So little makes me feel so much better.



 I am still working toward the goal. 

Don't let me lose you. Have a great day. I wish I could be there. I am still contacting potential helpers.

Everyone needs to understand that this is not a nothing thing. It is serious. That is why if they are given a chance to stop their abusive  behavior without punishment; they should take it. They need to have the offer.

My love and respect for you is eternal.


 Please come back!

I want to feel you here!

If I get anything from SCC, I will give it to you.

Are you disappearing in 2022? (When a certain thing is up)

I worry I did not do a good enough job talking to the ACLU to get them to take my case. They rarely take them, so if they do; I will be thrilled. Tell her if the ACLU takes the case, she is a gonner.  I have gotten to the point where I figure nothing good happens to me, but it should happen to you.

You are so wonderful.

Thursday, November 4, 2021


 I would give anything to have you look at me and say, "are you happy?"  You knew I was not and I dearly loved hearing you ask me. You are the sweetest one.

Good reason to adore you, and I do.

Tuesday, November 2, 2021


 I love you

A Part of My Life~
Dancing to a tune of despair
darkness enveloped 
the last 
breath of 

You sang the only 
song of my 
The visual embrace 
made me feel 

Leaving abruptly, 
life came to a 
The pain was intense 
but it wasn’t 

I always loved 
your care 
and concern
My loyal devotion 
I gave in return

My only desire 
is to see 
you again
You’re part of 
my life 
‘til the end. 

(c) HVM 2019


 I honestly don't know what to do. 


 Let me know when you feel like getting out and living like a human being and not a hamster.........

Me too.......:-)

Monday, November 1, 2021


I will devote my life to you

to keep you safe and to 

make you happy.

We need to support each other and 

never let each other down.


I need answers and I need promises

and courage

I need those to help you

sweet one.

Together we can do anything



Lets's BEAT those assholes!


I miss your sweet face

Forever devoted.


 Did that terrible man take over again?