Saturday, February 1, 2020

I always thought that MP's plan was to keep me away to allow someone else, her buddy, to have the freedom to try and lure you to themselves, someone who just wants you for mercenary reasons. I heard how you were spoken about, like you were some prize to be grabbed. I spoke to that person and they spoke about you in a very strange way. It was as if you were some sale item they found first. "Why does he like you more than me?" They said, "I've known him longer!" Then they made up contempt charges and gave them to the attorney. They are why I went to jail.

That person was,
 I figured, one of the possible reasons I was kept away so long, and why they wanted me to see you together in court. It is probably why people kept acting like I was horrible for caring about you. Judge N. acted like I was some kind of perv and the anonymous email
I got that said "leave
the nice doctor alone."
guess it also has to do with the "obsessed" comment in the police report. Live how you want, but I think you have been a part of a larger plan against you from the start. Please be very careful. I will always help you if you need.

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