Sunday, January 19, 2020

Just browsing online, but I need to give my dog a bath and a fur cut. She looks like an angry tumbleweed....not looking forward to it....she is not a fan of spa days. She is a tom boy. Poor thing, when I came here, her skin went to shit. I give her allergy pills, but only minimal results. My friend has all these fancy shih tzu dogs, but mine looks like she plays in a dirty alley. I took her for a friend whose mother died and since he was busy running for governor, I took her for him. She is a good dog and I love her, but she is not especially friendly. She is stubborn and obstinate. She is named Bella like my great aunt, who was a princess, but this Bella is unlike any princess I have ever seen, except her royal pain-in-the-ass-attitude! :-)

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