Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Dear D.....,
I was given an attorney by the Private Defender Program, but he has shown every indication that he is not working for me. He ignored a piece of law that could help me. He actually argued the point. He would not agree that a false restraining order does not carry contempt charges when The People v. Gonzalez proves that point. He yells at me and I do not want to continue to be abused by him. I feel he is not working on my behalf. The Private Defender Program will not give me another attorney. How can that be right? Am I supposed to go to court alone, or have an attorney who will not give me the best defense as possible? 
I have been beaten up by this case, many times and in many ways. I did nothing wrong. I deserve to have it dropped and prosecute Michael C. Guasco, Marija M. Petrovic and their helpers. It was conspiracy to harm me and false imprisonment, etc. (Attempted murder) I have been suffering from this situation for 5 years now, I moved 140 miles away to show my compliance even though I knew it was an invalid restraining order. I didn’t want to have any risk of being again, falsely accused. I have MS, chronic back pain (recently), under a current breast cancer scare (I had a rare cancer several years ago) and I am a senior with no prior police record. I think Mr. Guasco manufactured this entire matter to help one of their doctors keep my doctor away from me, because Dr. L and I considered being friends. My guess is that Mr. Guasco complied by putting my doctor's name on the restraining order and then made him comply by using lies, threats and duress, or by telling him as he does others, that it was merely a means to keep us apart to comply with some sort of medical rule of former doctors and patients needing to abstain from seeing each other for a period of time. Mr. Guasco just seems to be too personally involved in this. He always says, “I” can keep you restrained forever, he always said "I" can do this, "I" can do that….” Never, Dr. L can do this, or that…

Had I been given a choice, I would have complied with abstaining from seeing my doctor on my own, not being subjected to a terrifying ordeal of threats, lies, jail and false contempt charges that led to my being jailed, do to the absolute non defense given to me by the attorney forced on me, Charles Smith IV, who was not at any time with the Private Defender Program, or at least before Judge Novak stuck me with him under threat of jail. He was initially stuck on me by Mr. Guasco, who else would have paid him? The Private Defender Program said he was not in their program at the time, and neither was I, because mine was a civil case, they serve only criminal matters. Judge Livermore tried to say it was “now a criminal matter”, in response to Mike Guasco’s made up contempt charges, but your office said no, it was still a civil matter. What Mr Smith did was control me, yell at me and blame me for the entire matter. He did not do anything on my behalf. He came to my trial without a meeting, without my file and had not even told me why I had to be in court. No word about a trial.   

My doctor would not risk reprimand by his place of work to come to my surgery at my request through the ER doc to make me feel safe and then come to check on me after the surgery, just to hit me with a TRO a week later. Reason and the forgeries of his signature and other evidence proves my point. Also in court he said, "Her gifts to me were very nice and expensive!" Those are not the words of someone who was annoyed by my gifts. He also spoke my name I use for writing in such a caring way, it made me blush.

I would like to suggest that Dr. L and I have a chance to speak to each other in private, or with an impartial witness in attendance. I asked many times of Mr. Guasco if we could have mediation, but he immediately flatly refused. It is not an unusual request, especially for  such a rather innocuous sounding R.O. Mr. Guasco is worried that if we speak to each other, the truth will come out. How can that be bad? I gave my doctor gifts and did NOTHING ELSE. Mr. Guasco had to include a salacious portion in the restraining order to get the attention of a judge. It was a lie and there were many forgeries of Dr. L’s signature in the court docs as per my experts. 

There is absolutely no reason a Harvard graduated surgeon with nerves of steel would not be able to handle speaking to me for a few moments. The one time he had a chance to speak up in court about me, he made me feel as if he had not only no animosity toward me, but as someone who he was thanking for the nice gifts.    

This entire matter has gotten out of hand and out of the control of the central figures involved. Other people have put their own desires first and foremost, not ours. It would be nice for us to say what we feel especially after all this time of not seeing, or talking to each other. I firmly believe that Mr. Guasco has a stake in keeping us apart for his own personal, gain not to comply with a doctor/patient waiting period to become friends, but a more personal gain motivating factor. I believe that Mr. Guasco is actually the attorney for Dr. M, Dr. L’s domestic/investment partner. I believe she is worried she will lose his monetary support, if he were allowed to have the freedom to make his own decisions. I also believe that Dr. L has been limited in his understanding as to what has been done in his name, otherwise there would be no need for forgeries, or lies in court documents saying he was at the hearing when he was not, as per my witness’s statement.  

No one should ever be treated the way I was treated, for any reason. I have had my civil rights completely ignored and abused. I had an attorney forced upon me twice and both times by use of a lie and absolutely by threat of being sent to jail by Judge Novak. 

This entire matter took away my rights, my power, my strength, my humanity. Each way I turned was a dead end, that is even the way it is today. Mr Guasco did not deny that he had done something to put the word out, not to hire me. I specifically asked him, but he merely smiled. No attorney would let me hire them. They turned me down even before I could find out about the matter of payment.  I believe Mr. Guasco has used an innocuous sounding story, by telling attorneys somehow, that I am just going through a waiting period, yet in reality dealing with me on a cruel and abusive level. It truly sounds as if a person who is accomplished with covert methods has had a hand in Mr. Guasco’s methods of making plans for hurting people, making them look bad and applying legal force to enforce it. They lure people, entrap them and use their frantic response to the stimulus as evidence against them. As was done to me. Marija M. Petrovic was obviously trained in covert methods and mind control. Normal psychiatrists try and help people, not harm them. She is Dr. M’s friend and she was hired to “get rid of you” (me) as security guard, Edward Souza told me, with my witness hearing. I think Dr. M brought her “hit man” friend back to Kaiser to “get rid” of me and did not seem to care how it was accomplished. It has been 4+ years of my restraint under a false restraining order. I have been horribly abused The wait was not as much the problem, but the lack of truth, the taunting and the smearing of my name as a crazy person, and criminal pervert monster. My integrity and reputation were trampled by Guasco. He did this to me to make me hate Dr. L and attack my health by screaming at me and terrorizing me by the Judges, especially Judge Novak. They did everything possible to make me feel terrible, remove my self-esteem and feel like I was looked at with disgust. I was made to feel absolutely powerless and worthless. They are scary. It is why I fear for Dr. L’s life. They have no remorse for what they did to me, I don’t think they would care if they harmed him and forged his assets away to those involved in this dangerous sham. Mr. Guasco carries on the same torment as he did to me with other Kaiser patients right now. 
I always knew this was an invalid restraining order and I knew too that there could be no contempt with a false restraining order. It is very similar to “the fruit of the poisonous tree.” If there is something wrong with evidence at the start, nothing done on down the line will make it good again. If it is bad from the beginning, it is always bad.

1. Marija M. Petrovic was rehired (very likely by Dr. M, her friend/acquaintance to come back to Kaiser to “get rid” of me.) She did anything she could to get me away from Dr. L and in the end, she did. She was said, by my expert to most likely be the one who was the forger of Dr. L’s signature and that of an attorney at Buty & Curliano on their letterhead stationary and when papers on the case were faxed from Dr. L’s San Rafael office (during his days off from there) her forgery of Dr. L’s signature across the from that of Mike Guasco, showed the close and conspiratorial relationship of Marija M. Petrovic, Mike Guasco and the Law Firm of Buty & Curliano. They conspired to harm me. They included several actors.
“Prosecutors commonly charge conspiracy whenever two or more offenders act in tandem. A person can be convicted both of an underlying crime and of conspiracy to commit it, and receive separate punishments for each offense.”  

2. Dr. L asked me if I wanted to be friends, so I dropped him as my doctor to start the wait period. In turn, the heat was turned up by Marija Petrovic. She had been spying on my appointments and obviously heard every word and told Dr. M, who got Guasco involved.    
3. Things were going along quietly, until I needed gallbladder surgery and asked if Dr. L could observe. My surgeon said he had been there. I left a message of thanks for Dr. L on an entrapment phone message line (found that out later) and a week later I got a TRO. I believe that the fact that Dr. L cared enough about my welfare to do me that favor, upset those who wanted to keep us apart, so a faked TRO was served to me. It was a plan to both assure my adherence to the time apart to become friends. It was a matter of control and to terrorize and punish me by the person who started this in the first place.

Mr. Guasco knows that he made up everything about the restraining order and manipulated every move with lies and intimidation and made up contempt charges against me and filed restraining order court papers with forgeries in them. He taunted me, forced an attorney on me who abused me and screamed at me and told me everything was my fault. They had judge Novack terrorize me and always threaten me with jail and cleared the courtroom so she could berate me with astounding, bizarre, cruel things that eventually made me pass out for a moment. Judge Novak acted like I was the most terrible person in the world and would threaten me with jail every so often, and heckled me from the bench. One time she called me “stalker.” She said, “no wonder the doctor is afraid of you.” She had most of what I said on the witness stand, stricken from the record. 

In court, Dr. L said my name so sweetly and looked at me sweetly too and said that my gifts were, “very nice and expensive.” No one ever brought the lie that I supposedly behaved in an improper manner toward Dr. L. They knew that Dr. L would never go along with that. Neither of us ever behaved improperly.
So no matter that Dr. L blew the restraining order out of the water, I was put in jail and fined anyway.
It was obvious that the reason that Mr. Guasco did not bring Dr. L to the July 12 R.O. extension hearing, was because he told the truth during the (false) contempt trial. Guasco claimed on the court filed paperwork that Dr. L had been present to the trial, when he had never been there, as witnessed by my adult son. My expert said that Dr. L’s signature was forged on the court filed paperwork. The two year extension was false, therefore the contempt charge connected with it was also false.

Mr. Guasco did not just allow me to wait; he had to torment me, terrorize me, yell in my face, force a cruel attorney on me, have a cruel “psychiatrist” make cruel calls to me taunt me and tried to get me to kill myself. It went on and on and I hung in there by being strong. It was the worst, most terrible time in my already difficult life.
It harmed my health, it challenged my emotional strength. I cried each day for nearly 4 years. I hid away. I stopped seeing family or friends. I have been housebound. It frightened me. I felt less of a human being than others. It hurt me deeply.

All because someone was upset that I gave Dr. L a few gifts because of his help with my medical care and that I said that yes, I thought it would be nice to become friends.
The court was disrespected by those who were its officers. I was abused in the name of justice, but Justice was fooled and abused by those sworn to uphold it.  Mr. Guasco should not be an attorney and the rest of the team should be investigated and punished. I could have died. They knew that. It is what they wanted, or they would not have done this to a person in my condition.

I believe Judge Chou’s signature was forged. It needs to be checked. That means he was complicit.

I suffered greatly. Dr. L suffered greatly. We deserve damages.
I will take any lie detection. I don’t lie.
I should have a jury trial and another attorney who is not working for Guasco, but helping me instead.


Cheryl Petrovich

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