Friday, January 10, 2020

Dear D******,

No one should be treated the way I was under a false restraining order that I believe was disguised to others as an innocent means to keep me away from Dr. L during a waiting period for us to become friends. There was nothing about it that was even close to being anything benevolent or meant as anything with a positive outcome. It was meant as a means to terrorize and discourage, even to the point of my death. I was terrorized. I have seen how easily Mike Guasco lies. No one should believe him. 
No one should believe a man who brutalizes a handicapped senior woman, screams in her face that the person she is waiting to know as a friend, hates her and doesn't want to know her, or have a relationship with her and tells her that he could make the restraining order last forever. 
I believe Mr. Guasco got many people involved in this as a way to discourage me, to brutalize me, to take my health issues and use them against me. There was not one true, good, or honest thing in this entire escapade. 
He was not working for Dr. L, he was working for someone who was afraid that our friendship would take him away. Dr. L has a right to live his own life and do what he wants. He asked me if I wanted to be friends, so Guasco got advice from supposed psychiatrist Marija M. Petrovic, who was a temporary hire to Kaiser to get rid of me as Dr. L's patient. That was done long ago in May of 2015. She began her attacks back then with many nefarious plans against me. It was reprehensible. She was the one who makes the plans to create harm to people for Mike Guasco's terrible legal actions against innocent people.

Mike Guasco has been abusing the courts and has been doing many reprehensible methods to get his way. He has TROs as his weapon of choice to keep people weakened and at Bay. 
He hits many innocent Kaiser patients with invalid restraining orders, bullies them and keeps them weakened, smears their reputations with lies and looking pre-emptively guilty in the eyes of the court, so if they had any valid grievance against Kaiser in the first place, Guasco diminishes their credibility by looking like a criminal from the start, thereby weakening their valid case against Kaiser!
He has been hurting A LOT of innocent Kaiser patients who have valid complaints, but he hits them with a pre-emptive strike of a TRO, using the names of Kaiser employees on the restraining orders as the Plaintiff and then uses an actor in court!  This is serious. 

One such attacked innocent victim is a father of a brain damaged son and has been going through Guasco's false restraining order brutality for a very long time now. Mr. Guasco torments the man and threatens him with jail, knowing that Guasco fabricated the entire thing and that the man is the sole caregiver of his son!  The father is J L. Guasco did the same thing to a quadriplegic patient! He hit the man with a TRO for "spitting on his nurse" and used the nurse's name on the order. I was told that information by Attorney John W. Busman in Orange County. I believe the patient was his client and I believe he won!  

Mr. Guasco has undoubtedly used his status as a Kaiser attorney to make employees comply with, at least to some degree, by intimidating/threatening them, or making promises to them. He gave permanent Kaiser jobs to the contract security guards who had a part in this charade Guasco committed against me.
He was the reason I was terrorized for the better part of five years and I believe he is continuing by contacting my Private Def. Attorney, Mr. J. It is very obvious that attorney has been compromised by Guasco. I cannot work with him. He already lied to me about simple facts of law that he was trying to use to stop me from exonerating myself. Mr. Guasco is a pathological liar and he has no fear about abusing the court and finding ways to get people on his side, even judges and court staff. He has the deep pocket of Kaiser and their power behind him, so he has become an unstoppable monster!
I have no problem calling him a criminal. No problem AT ALL!

You would be doing innocent people a favor by getting him out of the legal sector, or public involvement. He is a con artist, he is a narcissist, sociopath and any cold blooded repugnant moniker that can be used. He is desperate and will gamble with lives...even his own and feels completely justified in doing so. He thinks the "ends justify the means" as long as the outcome is in his favor, that is. He has smeared me to the legal community, blacklisted. I need that removed. Guasco is not a good attorney. I have been to law school, am a paralegal, former law librarian and worked for city attorneys. Mr. Guasco smeared me, ruined my reputation, shocked me into being a near recluse all these years. 
What he did to a person my age and health condition was to play Russian Roulette with my life. He and Marija Petrovic made my life Hell and they had not one scintilla of remorse, or compassion. They berated me, tried to manipulate me mentally and had me berated/frightened by judges and I was terrorized and put through the insult and horror of being jailed, strip searched and all the rest of the indignities of being processed. Me, a senior widow, with MS, never having done a jailable offense, police as friendly acquaintances, working with them and D P to make life better for the community. Instead Guasco made me into a pariah. I was ashamed to even see my family. This is nothing ANYONE ELSE should have to suffer through! Mr. Guasco is a con artist and criminal and abuser of good people! 

I will witness against him, so will J L, other victims, attorneys and most likely will many Kaiser employees, if allowed to speak without fear of reprisal. I sent my emails and information to Bernard Tyson and spoke twice with Mark Zemelman (executive VP) it was mystifying as to their attitudes. Very strange. I believe the outing of this situation may have been the cause of Mr. Tyson's death. They have not mentioned the cause, as far as I know, I think it could have been guilt, or knowing the stuff was soon to "hit the fan" or something innocuous, but if it was self-inflicted....that speaks volumes! 

Please make this a big, intense investigation, many people are being harmed, or even killed. Guasco, and Marija M. Petrovic have ice water running through their veins and no remorse. They nearly killed me and I want them charged with attempted murder. Marija M. Petrovic supposedly dropped everything and ran off to Florida. It was getting too hot here, but she is a criminal. 
Those people cannot go free! They will hurt more people! I am worried that Dr. L's life could very well be in extreme danger!  I will tell the world in a very loud voice if he was killed when I have begged over and over to authorities to protect him! 
He has been put through torment and silenced. He did speak up in court, though saying basically that the R.O. was false, but I was put in jail anyway. That is so beyond indecent and reprehensible! Neither of us should still be restrained. It should end immediately. 

Please help me and the rest of the vulnerable public, we need you!

Thank you! 


Cheryl Petrovich

On Thursday, January 9, 2020, 02:17:09 PM PST, Cheryl Chapin 

Nothing about the restraining order was valid! It was fabricated from square one! I am a victim!I am angry! My story of brutalization will be known! Michael Guasco and those who helped him are criminals! He is doing the same thing to other innocent Kaiser patients right now! I have proof!

2.1. Legal protective orders

If the judge orders a legal protective order against you, the law requires you to follow it - period.
However, some restraining orders are illegally issued. This could be because the order was issued in a court 
that didn't have the
 proper authority to do so (a power known as jurisdiction) or because there was no legal basis to issue the 
order. If the protective order itself is illegal, you are not bound by its terms.
California courts have held that "an order of contempt [that is, disobeying a court order] cannot stand if the underlying order is invalid."11
People v. Gonzalez (1996) 12 Cal.4th 804, 816.

To J,
One more thing: I need a copy of Guasco's July 12 2018, evidence, a black binder and a white binder. It is in the court record, but is in a weird place. I need to see it, he never allowed me to see it (No discovery) . Thanks, Cp

Haviva von Martinitz <>

Jan 8, 2020, 11:34 PM (1 hour ago)
to al
Dear Mr. J,
What I need to say is that the entire July 18, 2018 court hearing was invalid. Mike Guasco purposely only presented lies to the court, he purposely abused the court, therefore the case he presented to Judge Chou was not able to be properly adjudicated, by true facts. Perhaps if Guasco had not lied about each and every aspect of the case to the court and told the truth and not filed lies with the court, then, yes, Judge Chou could have made informed decisions. One cannot make fair and impartial decisions based on lies. Judge Chou only had LIES with which he could work, so there was no chance of my getting a fair outcome whatsoever. And I did not. I told Guasco from square one that I knew Dr. Lukaszewicz's signature was forged. Forgery immediately invalidates the restraining order, end of story! Guasco contacted my expert and had him delay my report from the July 12 to the 13. So, Guasco could not possibly even let one aspect go without his lying, smarmy touch on it. Nothing he said in that hearing was the truth. He is absolutely despicable! Judge Chou's signature also needs to be verified and he needs to recuse himself, if he is any part of the conference, or hearing. Judge Chou told me to tell my side and he sounded angry with me after only a couple of minutes and said, "I have been patient with you, Ms Petrovich, now I have had it!" I had no idea what he was talking about, but I was not treated fairly. He just shut me down and acted so benevolent by "ONLY" giving 2 years additional restraining order! Insane! 4.5 years for giving my doctor gifts of gratitude and a false charge that I said, or behaved in a familiar manner. Dr. L would laugh at that! Neither one of us EVER behaved in an improper manner! He does things by the book and is a gentleman. I am not a forward person and have no idea even what one would do to behave suggestively. I am reticent and shy. He is the same from what I have observed. I gave him some gifts because he looked out for my welfare and made other doctors treat me well, because they did not understand my condition. He was so kind and considerate. He said I could email him, with medical questions, or anything else. I even got his advice on matters about my house when the hot water heater exploded. We talked about France and a French club I wanted to join. We talked about Jack Kerouac and his writing and Gary Snyder whose writing he admired. We both mourned the death of Robin Williams together. We were friends and people at Kaiser noticed it and it got back to his domestic partner and Guasco helped her out by putting Dr. L's name on the restraining order to make me hate him, and he resent me for the inconvenience. I suppose. Signatures were forged. He was put in an awkward position. Dr. M has quite a few relatives working at Kaiser, some doctors. Think Kaiser is going to go against her wishes? No. But saying I could be restrained forever is absurd. Guasco is a megalomaniac. He thinks he can harm anyone and they should thank him for it.
1. Mike Guasco wanted to make the (False) restraining order longer and did not have anything to justify it, so he took my old emails from 2015 and did not give me a copy (so I could not refute them). Guasco said they were 163 in number. That was the same amount that I was told I supposedly wrote in 2015 in response to a entrapment plan instigated by the woman hired to get rid of me as my doctor's patient, her name: Marija M. Petrovic (supposedly a psychiatrist, who tormented me and tried to get me to kill myself.)  Guasco said I wrote 163 emails in 2017 to Dr. L right before I was put in jail by Guasco (who said he was happy to have done it). For one thing I was under a microscope and if I had even written one email, I would have been turned in, much less 163 emails. I think my Kaiser online account had been suspended by Marija M. Petrovic, using the name Dr. Kao to do it, he is from the Dept. of Radiology. When I called him, Dr. Kao had no knowledge of my online account being turned off, but it was never revitalized. 
I was ambushed by Guasco and he broke the rules of discovery by not sharing evidence. Basically, the entire extension case was fabricated. I doubt if Dr. L knew anything about it at all.
The purpose of discovery is to make the parties aware of the evidence that may be presented at trial. The process prevents “trial by ambush,” where one side does not learn of the other side's evidence or witnesses until the trial. Taking depositions is one of the most common methods of discovery.
The Judge was trying a case based on lies, that makes the entire case moot.
2. Dr. L's signature was forged. I had an expert verify it. He said it was no problem to have the report done by July 12, but instead it was emailed to me on July 13, a day AFTER the hearing. I had it happen before by Guasco contacting my expert(s) and having them treat me as if I were a monster. Yes, it is witness tampering and is illegal.
3. Dr. L was NEVER present at the hearing, his signature was forged, no reason from him was mentioned as to why he would have wanted to extend the R.O.  Basically Dr. L had no part in the extension at all. (Just as the initial R.O.)

Dr. L was most likely not at the extension hearing because he had refuted the restraining order at the previous court hearing. He behaved as if he felt kindly toward me. Guasco couldn't have that, because he probably would have spoken up in court again and Guasco could not have that. Dr. L is NOT Guasco's client, I firmly believe it is his domestic partner, Dr. M. I think she was upset by my gifts of gratitude to Dr. L and wanted me removed. She had her friend, Marija M. Petrovic hired back to Kaiser to go after me, abuse me and get rid of me. She did, didn't she? Mike Guasco put Dr. L's name on the TRO for her. Guasco uses TROs to attack people, weaken them and make them look bad in the eyes of the court, plus he smears them everywhere. It is a pattern of his. Mr. Guasco is not an attorney, he is a thug. He is a criminal. I watched him effortlessly lie to Judge Chou; it was astonishing. I do not think Guasco said one word of truth in that extension hearing. I also think very seriously, that Judge Chou's signature was also forged and by Marija Petrovic.
Judge Chou based his decision on lies presented to him.....VERIFIED! How could that be a valid restraining order extension, based upon lies? No plaintiff, no plaintiff signature, no reason from the plaintiff as to why he wanted the R.O. extended. No truth in it at all!! Just as the FIRST restraining order it was FALSE! 
The last thing Dr. L said to me October 9, 2015 was, "did you think we might become friends?" I said to him, "I thought it might be nice." He said, "but I can't be friends with my patients." So I dropped him as my doctor, the all Hell broke loose and the attacks against me by Marija Petrovic began in earnest. 

I stopped seeing Dr. L October 9, 2015, but in December, 2015, I went to the ER. I was told I needed emergency gallbladder surgery. I asked the ER doctor if Dr. L might be able to observe. I was told nothing, but suddenly from Tuesday night, I waited until Friday afternoon for the surgery. Friday afternoon was when Dr. L had a 1/2 day off from work. My surgeon told me Dr. L saw my "fatty" liver. The station nurse told me that I was asleep when Dr. L came to my room to check on me, "unless there is another tall, thin vascular surgeon, I don't know about,"she said. I was so grateful that he took the time to make me feel/be safe. (It was something he always did for me.) He would tell other doctors to be gentle with me and not say certain things that might hurt my feelings. He told an ER doctor to, "treat her like a princess." It is just like my great aunt (who was an actual princess).

After Dr. L kept me safe by risking his job to come to my surgery, a week later he sent me a TRO.  Make sense? Of course not! BECAUSE HE DIDN'T!! This was all manufactured by Guasco to keep Dr. M happy! Kaiser feels that keeping their neurosurgeon happy is more important than a mere nobody patient's happiness, or safety. I have been beaten and abused. I have been pushed to the brink of such despair, I was afraid I might die. Marija Petrovic made cruel phone calls to me and made me nearly kill myself. It is what she intended, I know it was. Dr. L saved me. He had many people call me and keep me from harming myself. I asked him if he had certain people call me, he said, "no, but I am glad they did." The manager came to my hotel room door and gave me a free night. She just said she was worried about me because "the do not disturb sign had been up for so long." No hotel does that. I know it was Dr. L, he is so kind. He has always done nice things for me. Kaiser treats their doctors like they are property. He enjoyed our friendship, so did I, but I think his domestic partner, Dr. M did not and Guasco wanted to make her happy and did not give a crap if I died in the process.  None of them did. 
I have been to Hell enough and I am NOT staying there! My MS has gotten worse, I am having trouble walking, I have not had a decent night's sleep, I am under a breast cancer scare, but I am not about to be treated by people who think I am the enemy and I am sick of this bullshit! Dr. L has been treated disrespectfully and has a right to make his own decisions about his life! They have treated him like a puppet, humiliated him, forged his signature so many times, I have been worried sick they will forge away his assets and then kill him. I want to keep him safe. I always worried about his driving between all the Kaisers at early hours for surgery. Marija Petrovic said to me, "do you worry about all your doctors?" I said, no, "just him." I am not obsessed with him, I care about him. He has cared about my well-being and kept me safe for a long time, but would HE be called obsessed? No, because he is important I am not and it is a way to make me into some crazed lunatic woman. (Aren't we all?) That is what misogynistic men think. They are people who need to put others down to make themselves feel big. There is no question that he did not instigate the TRO. If anything he has been lied to and threatened and told that this was just a way to make certain I stayed away from him while the wait period was still in force. The problem with that is no one should be abused, humiliated, screamed at, had false contempt orders created with lies against me, made people look at me with disgust, lost friends, lost police friends, lost touch with Dave Pine who was working with me about airport noise and traffic issues. I could not find an attorney and was sent cruel emails saying they would never let me hire them. That isn't a friendly little assurance that I obey the wait period. It is cruel, tormenting and so depressing I could barely stand it. No one tells me anything, they play games with me and say cruel things to me. I cried for over 3 years each day, now I try and keep it in. I am tired, haggard and feel despised. Mr. Guasco has attacked my personal life too. It has been extensive and harsh. I will get the people involved to admit it, but I know. 5 years of Hell, I deserve at least an apology, but I most certainly want a jury to hear about it. 
Here is my blog: It is my nom de plume, Haviva.

I think the fact that I am exposing Guasco and his law firm and his Kaiser patient abuse practices and that his law firm of Buty & Curliano knew every awful thing he did to me and the other Kaiser Patients) could be why CEO Tyson died. I am going to stop them from hurting more people. I will get this spread far and wide. 

I have emailed a lot of info to the DA's office, but obviously more will need to be sent. I was in Pro Per. I truly want the DA to change gears and go after Guasco, the REAL criminal now. Michael C. Guasco has been arrested twice. His former wife was arrested so many, many, many times for controlled substances and forgery of a doctor's signature and more. Guasco working for hospitals and befriending security guards....sounds a "bit" suspicious, huh? He made partner after he faked the restraining order against me. I was told by one of his security guard buddies that Marija M. Petrovic was hired to specifically get rid of me as Dr. L's patient....with my witness hearing him say it. Then because he messed up so badly by saying that, he made up contempts to give to Guasco which he serve to me up here in Gualala on a Thursday afternoon, rather late for a Monday morning hearing. Not too sneaky, huh? Guasco pads court paperwork with many hundreds of extra pages that are not relevant, so the judge says, I haven't had time to read everything and thinks I have been really bad to require over 300 pages of paperwork. Mr Guasco is not a good attorney, he is a good magician, a "smoke and mirrors man!" At Kaiser in Contra Costa (and others) Guasco hits innocent Kaiser patients who might have a legitimate claim against Kaiser, with pre-emptive false TROs to make them out to be the "bad guys" first, so the court would already have a bad impression of them and figure their case against Kaiser was pretty much retaliation. Kaiser, under Guasco and Buty & Curliano, is a dangerous place. I know a man who has been attacked that way by GuascoGuasco made a mistake and used the name of a Kaiser employee (he has them all play rolls in his devious plans) and then has actors show up in court. Well, the innocent victim, happened to know the employee whose name was used as Plaintiff on the TRO, had never had a problem with her, she helped him.....but she was NOT the person in court claiming to be her! Guasco used an ACTRESS! Is THAT LEGAL? It sure does not sound like it to me! Guasco is a THUG, a CROOK! Nothing he says is to believed! He gets judges and clerks, etc to go along with him and I don't know how except bribes and threats! He got permanent Kaiser jobs for two security guards who helped get me the false restraining order in the first place. Now they have jobs with benefits, and much more permanent that being a contractor security guard. One works in something like communications and they set up phone traps, like they did with me and had me find the phone number of Dr. L then accused me of doing something inappropriate to him, but would not allow anyone at Kaiser help me. I finally decided to try and contact Dr. L using both email and VM methods. Those 2015 communications are what Guasco used as his evidence to get two more years added on to the already extremely long false restraining order. Guasco lied to Judge Chou and said there was a case that said evidence could be used over and over as much as wanted, to keep someone restrained. He said it was called Collins....and I did not catch the rest. The judge was pretending to be intrigued by it and wrote it down. I called the county law library and at that time, the librarians were more helpful than now and searched for quite awhile and looked for any cases that said evidence could be used over and over to keep someone restrained, or a case with the name Collins in it. They found nothing and said it did not sound like a legitimate law to them, just as it did not to me, either. Outside the courtroom, Guasco yelled at me and said Dr. L didn't want a relationship with me, he screamed it in my face twice! He said, "I can keep you restrained forever! Not Dr. L could keep you restrained forever but I can keep you restrained forever. Yes, that showed how Guasco thought of the R.O. as HIS, NOT Dr. L's! That is right, it is NOT Dr. L's R.O. it is entirely from the twisted, criminal mind of Michael C. GuascoGuasco thinks the court is his own domain and can abuse it in any way he wants! I was going to speak with Guasco, but he took off running like the little chicken shit that he is! He made a senior woman with MS and crippled legs run after him! He is utterly despicable! He is the lowest form of life!
That little bastard needs to be in prison! He put me in jail under a false restraining order, that is false imprisonment! He said he was happy to do it! I'd be very happy to send him to prison!
Thank you.
Cheryl Petrovich

Another thing, who signs off on a TRO, which is supposed to be in an emergency violent situation to protect an abused person for gift giving a lie claiming I acted in a familiar manner? The TRO, from what I saw said that Dr. L was supposedly annoyed at my gifts and some lie about my being too familiar, which could have only happened around 90, or so days prior, since I dropped Dr. L as my doctor, upon his suggestion, so we could start on a waiting period to become friends, about that long ago (90 days) before my surgery he attended, then, suddenly, about one week after he came to my surgery (at risk to his job) to keep me safe during my gallbladder removal surgery and make me feel cared for on his 1/2 day off, a week later he just up and decided to hit me with a TRO? I was the one recuperating from surgery and resting at home, where did the emergency situation come in to play? Emergency violent gift giving? Huh? Does that make sense to ANYONE AT ALL?  It only makes sense to Guasco, because it is the worst of the restraining orders and he wanted me to look as bad as possible! What judge signs a TRO under those circumstance$? Does NO ONE care about ethics any longer? Don't they AT LEAST care if something does not make sense? Why not just draw a picture of a cartoon cat and have a judge sign it? Makes about as much sense!! Have judges gotten so desperate to please the deep pockets, that any attack on an innocent human being a "bit" disconcerting? Does Guasco have stock in the court system? Other attorneys have noticed that he files an inordinate amount of TROs, he must be running out of creative false accusation ideas! So, Guasco just goes on a pre-emptive TRO rampage against innocent Kaiser patients who might genuinely have a valid complaint against Kaiser and no one stops him. 
I suppose next, he'll be bombing Iran! Just jaw dropping what power does to a small man of low self-esteem!  
Just look through the barely visible cloud cover. The truth is right there before your eyes! Guasco is a criminal! ARREST HIM!

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