Friday, November 13, 2020

You are loved

 You don't need to be anyone to me. I am sure you have forgotten me and have a life. Just tell the DA you don't want to be my friend and you won't have to have anything more to do with me. Just please remove the R.O. It isn't nice. I will still go after the people who did this to me. Attempted murder has no statute of limitations. 

Yes, I love you with all my heart, but I am feeling kind of foolish. You see how much I try and protect you, but I expect nothing back, really.  I want to see this to the end, but maybe you are used to your life and no longer need anything from me, but I cannot know, can I? I think you have no power, I don't know. Maybe you won't even help me.  Guess I am feeling sad and all my strength is eroding away. Maybe you didn't expect me to still be alive either. My connection may be dropping. Do you really want to live with a monster who terrorizes people and doesn't mind killing them? I am still here. I do want to give you your gifts and say hi again. I want to feel normal one more time again. Each time I think about never seeing you again everything inside me rebels and turns into sadness. It is like you are the moon and I am a wave. It's silly I guess. I have nothing keeping me anywhere, I suppose. I will still keep journaling. Just don't let anyone hurt you. Know you are loved.

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