Sunday, November 29, 2020



Pikulova If I had to Choose Between Loving You and Breathing, I Would Use My Last Breath to Say I Love You Wall Decal

I cannot



Stolen View~

Time stole a view 

of your 

perfect face

and robbed me of a 

pure embrace

My shattered mind  


to disgrace 

but spoke in prayers 

that brought me 


I was a soul who'd 

left out 


and closed 

that door 

with an angry 


I'd live without 

a one 

called "dear"

but slowly sank 

a bitter 


I found him at the 

strangest place

and set



to fit his



He took my heart 

in leaps and bounds

while I endured 

in thorny 


From on my cross 

I'll rise up high

And pray I'll see him

as I die

His life is not the 


he owns 

they'll grind him

down from




I hope he finds a nice 

life back

That's free from


and attack

I'll love him here

until I die

Then from a star

up in the sky

I know I'll never say 


Forever in love.


(c) HVM 2020 


Sunday, November 22, 2020


 Are you okay?


I knew you were someone I would always love when I first met you. I knew it would not be easy. I knew it would be complicated. But, I knew you needed help and you confirmed it. I never thought anyone in a field such as attorney would ever try and force the harmful situation on a victim. That was a shocker. See, that is where money as the root of evil comes in. (And quid pro quo.) She is not going to change. She will always treat you badly, because you are nice. She is trying to kill me. I was not being flippant when I was saying to escape. You need to do it. When I love someone, they feel protected, pampered and important. I love you.


 You are all I care about. Please be well.


Friday, November 20, 2020

Veg (again)

I planted so many fruit trees in Millbrae, that it was used as a selling feature. (Broke my heart to sell, but no choice.) I planted an apricot tree by the house and it got huge and had the most delicious apricots (and tons of them!) I feel absolutely disabled here by not having a place to grow any veggies, or much fruit!

and in my heart.

 You are in my thoughts.

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Lovely picture



 I am watching a bit of "Moonstruck" a bit before I go to sleep. 

Cher is magnificent! 🌛🌛

Sunday, November 15, 2020


Interesting segment on a show about Eleanor Roosevelt. Nice to hear about a wealthy child who did not turn out like a jerk. 

Cleansing my palate of Trump. 

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Nerd time!

Watched a fascinating program with Michio Kaku. It is basic, but clarifying. He is an excellent instructor. I was fortunate enough to get tickets to a lecture by Stephen Hawking when he came to San Jose awhile ago. Of course I brought my science nerd son. He loved it.

Friday, November 13, 2020

You are loved

 You don't need to be anyone to me. I am sure you have forgotten me and have a life. Just tell the DA you don't want to be my friend and you won't have to have anything more to do with me. Just please remove the R.O. It isn't nice. I will still go after the people who did this to me. Attempted murder has no statute of limitations. 

Yes, I love you with all my heart, but I am feeling kind of foolish. You see how much I try and protect you, but I expect nothing back, really.  I want to see this to the end, but maybe you are used to your life and no longer need anything from me, but I cannot know, can I? I think you have no power, I don't know. Maybe you won't even help me.  Guess I am feeling sad and all my strength is eroding away. Maybe you didn't expect me to still be alive either. My connection may be dropping. Do you really want to live with a monster who terrorizes people and doesn't mind killing them? I am still here. I do want to give you your gifts and say hi again. I want to feel normal one more time again. Each time I think about never seeing you again everything inside me rebels and turns into sadness. It is like you are the moon and I am a wave. It's silly I guess. I have nothing keeping me anywhere, I suppose. I will still keep journaling. Just don't let anyone hurt you. Know you are loved.


 Hope your day is good. It is raining.

Happy plants!


 Even if it isn't a romantic friendship, I want to still know you. I want it to be romantic, but I do want what you want. Just having you in my bit of the world, would be amazing.


 I would like to be able to love you, so if that isn't okay, please let me know. I just cannot stop feeling like it.


So, a big show was put on about my having breast cancer, but now that I know it was never cancer, I am avoided by my own doctor, etc.  I need to get a different Obgyn, I guess, since mine lied to me too (along with them). I'd like to understand what he was thinking. Did he know he was sending me potentially to my death? Did you hear anything? 

Wednesday, November 11, 2020


I am sitting here and sighing. I have been waiting so long to see you again it is getting absurd. I have no idea what is supposed to happen in December.  I would love to hug you and then find out what you want to do. What I want to be certain is that you are free to do what you want and be free to live your own life. Have you been able to speak with anyone protective, or in authority?

I don't know what is going on, but I will take the antibiotics and keep taking the supps.  I get so many odd pains and other strange things happening. I thought at the time that Dr. Moon injected me with more than just pain relief.  Not sure, but I need to have an in-depth look soon.

If I should be so blessed to be able to see you as someone close to you, my life would be beautiful. The last 5 years would merely be a blurr, a nightmare. To hear your voice, to gaze into your feel your healing, caring hug.


 Walking is the great adventure, the first meditation, a practice of heartiness and soul primary to humankind. Walking is the exact balance between spirit and humility.





It’s often very easy for a p


It’s often very easy for a p


It’s often very easy for a p


It’s often very easy for a p


It’s often very easy for a p


It’s often very easy for a p


It’s often very easy for a p


It’s often very easy for a p


It’s often very easy for a p


It’s often very easy for a p


It’s often very easy for a p


It’s often very easy for a p


It’s often very easy for a p

It’s often very easy for a p


I found 2 antibiotics at home and took them and am feeling somewhat better. Now I need to find more. It is always something.......